Date: 4/24/2018
By lmlib
This first one is a little fuzzy but me and my friend were gonna go somewhere. She had bought me stuff and I was like nooo. I had little trinkets I bough for rather someone else or myself. I had Regina bring me her old car to test drive. We drove around trying to find a place to practice driving. We went to my neighborhood. There was an empty park parkilot. I said I didn’t know we had a park in my neighborhood and I had never noticed it. There was a reason why we couldn’t do it there and we passed a place and I was like let’s go there and she said no she had to look at something. We went to my house which has a back gate apparently this was what my house used to look like before we got a fence. All of the yards were merged together. We went through the back and it was a series of paths and gates. We went out and Regina and my parents took me to the place I had shown them to practice drive. We went up this big hill and it was just a big donut shaped track. There was a guy in a car and he was supposed to help. He was sleeping and he said he was too tired to help. People started to gather around the track and looked like they were going to watch me.