Ghost in the Basement

Date: 4/11/2018

By dreaminghippie

I was at my grandma’s house & everything was the same as real life except the basement was different. It was large & bright but there was a small room at the end of the stairs that was dark & creepy. In this room beside the stairs there was a chair with an old baby doll sitting on it. I’m not sure why but I kept going into the basement & every time I went through that dark room I felt very uneasy. I went into the basement again but this time I felt like something was watching me, like something was following behind me. I kept looking around & saw nothing but I still felt some kind of presence of something & it felt evil. As I walked into the small dark room it’s like there was an overwhelming feeling of evilness. I looked at the baby doll on the chair and it started to move & it’s eyes started blinking. Then just as I was about to run up the stairs a really creep white figure thing appeared behind the chair. I ran up the stairs terrified & ran out of the house. As soon as I got outside my grandma got home & she was asking me what was wrong but she just thought that my brother & cousins had done something but they didn’t.