Teeth falling out dream

Date: 8/27/2022

By bluefox247

The other day I had a dream about my teeth falling out but this time it was only the ones on the right side of my mouth. All my upper molars and perhaps a couple bottom molars. Everything else stayed. I was at a party and I felt the wiggly wobbliness of the teeth and with every second that passed they threatened to fall out. And they did. I went to a private area to let them fall out and I thought to myself “wow it’s not a dream it’s happening for real this time.” I returned to the party and was relieved not to have the feeling of them about to fall out there anymore. Even though it was only gum I could feel, it felt relieving. I was glad nobody could tell my teeth fell out because they were not any front teeth. When I woke up I felt my teeth and realized they were completely fine and not wobbly or wiggly or anything. I also was fascinated/surprised by my dream self mentioning dreams but not realizing I was in a dream. I also thought it was strange I had no fear about eating in the dream because when I woke up my worry of that reality would be how I wouldn’t be able to eat anything with the right side of my mouth. The only other times I had teeth falling out dreams were maybe 2 other times in my life that I remember. I’ve never had one where only some fall out — in those previous ones I vaguely remember, all of the teeth fell out.