Army comes marching home

Date: 7/1/2020

By Mater625

This was probably my greatest dream I’ve had. I was back in my early teens but I was in a 1945 era house on the edge of a very small rural town. My family and I were eating dinner when we heard marching music. (I was listening to music when I fell asleep so I think my phone went to “Johnny Comes Marching Home.”) We stepped out to our porch to see a large group of US solders marching into town. While we were watching, I decided to grab our flag we had hanging on our porch and run to the front of the parade and held the Flag and marched with them. The Sargent in front smiled and told me to lift it high. We marched to the center of town and people were gathering around. The Captain of the solders came up in front of the town and said. “I and Captain Rex of the 501st” (not exactly what he said but I forgot his name and unit.) “I am here to deliver a few of your sons, Husbands, and brothers home.” He then read off a list of names and those solders came up front. My brother was one of those names. I was so happy when I heard his name. He the. Listed off a few men who gave the ultimate price. He gave a speech of those men, said they will bring there bodies home soon and gave a Taps and a moment of silence. Thanked us and started marching away. I woke up after that.