Date: 7/24/2020
By zoeynoel
Felt something pinching the inside of my pussy so I started freaking out and I put my finger up inside and pulled out a tiny black bug with pinchers. Then I walked in to what I thought was a thrift store but it wasn’t a thrift store. It was a weird doctors office. I told the doctor what happened and he was like “it’s normal lol” “people buy the vagina bugs from my store”. Then I looked around and there were bug sculptures of the same bug and small containers with bugs in them. Bugs in resin. Vagina bugs everywhere
AI generated interpretation Dreams about bugs in one's body or orifices can represent feelings of discomfort or invasion in one's personal life. In this dream, the presence of a bug in the vagina can symbolize an invasive or discomforting feeling in one's personal relationships or sexual experiences. This discomfort may be related to feeling unsatisfied or unfulfilled in these areas or even feeling like one has been "infected" by negative experiences or people. The fact that the bug was black with pinchers may indicate a feeling of powerlessness, as if one is being pinched or held back by this discomfort. The thrift store turned out to be a strange doctor's office, which can represent a desire for help or guidance in dealing with these uncomfortable feelings, particularly from an authority figure. However, the doctor's nonchalant response may suggest an unhelpful or dismissive approach from others in trying to find a resolution to these feelings. The presence of bug sculptures and containers may symbolize a preoccupation with these negative feelings or experiences, either dwelling on them or taking comfort in the fact that others share these experiences as well. Overall, this dream suggests a need to confront and address feelings of discomfort or invasion in one's personal life. It may be helpful to seek guidance or support from trusted individuals or professionals to work towards finding resolution and overcoming these negative experiences.