Bands and Butterflies

Date: 8/31/2016

By ShadowOwl

This was technically two dreams I had last night. In the first, I was at my house freaking out because I apparently back in high school and I had a preformance for concert band. I was not prepared at all. The concert started in 15 minutes and I was supposed to already be there. I was running around my room looking for the outfit I was supposed to wear to a concert: black pants and the school's Polo. I looked in my closet and saw I had neither and figured they must have been at my mom's house. I go to the concert anyway, wearing white shorts and a red Polo. I stick out like a sore thumb. I feel absolutely terrible. This was supposed to be my final concert of my high school expirence and here I was late and dressed incorrectly. Things continued to go wrong as they were out of stands to hold music and there was no room for me and my instrument on stage, so I just sat at the edge of the stage and started to cry. And I don't mean just a tear, I mean full on waterworks. That was the end of that dream. In the next dream, I was walking with my friend and telling her about the dream I had before this one. I didn't want to tell her anything and when she asked why I explained my dream was "like her butterfly dream" which meant that it was a very personal dream to me and I didn't wish to share it. In reality, she has never had a "butterfly" dream so I'm not sure where it came from. After that, I went to a mechanic garage for some reason and ended up hurting my right arm and wrist very badly. It was swollen and there was a part of my skin that visibly throbbed with my heart beat. My arm and wrist continued to hurt for the rest of my dream. With my hurt arm, I went to a school that was like a castle. Dream me went to school here. As I walked onto the front lawn, some of my peers scoffed at my right arm and didn't believe me when I told them I hurt it. There was no more time to talk as we were all quickly ushered in the school and told to hide because there was an intruder on campus. I ran to the third story and hid on and balcony. I anxiously waited out there until other people ran out with me and told me to jump because "she was here". They then started to climb down the balcony. I couldn't do that with my arm so I instead jumped onto a lower balcony and then onto the ground. Once on the ground, everyone seemed safe and the cops had arrived. The dream ended there.