Date: 5/18/2019
By unamity
I had the most amazing lucid dream I have ever had last night. It was probably one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I'm not sure exactly how I realized I was dreaming but it was very clear. I wasn't sure what to do next and so a voice came to me and explained how to meditate on a vertical, thin, silver line in the sky. It was not entirely dark, like moments after the sun finally goes down but things are still illuminated and the colors were so vibrant. I tried to follow the instructions but I got distracted. I felt like it was going to be impossible to do so I felt hopeless but I tried one more time and quickly as I was meditating on the silver strand the sky peeled back from it in in four pieces like it had been ripped along the silver line and perpendicular to it then spread open at the points. It was dark on the other side and a voice quickly came out and began to speak quickly to me without stopping telling me everything I need to know about my life and my work and all the new projects I am taking on. It was the most amazing experience of my life. The voice calmed down and dream characters came forward and took over explaining things to me. I was trying to take it all in and remember it but I couldn't. I accidentally woke myself up. I was so tired I tried to motivate myself to write it down but I couldn't bring myself to do it so I tried to go over and over all the things I could remember to commit them to memory. I know they were so important. I fell back asleep and immediately I entered the same lucid dream again. So, once again, I meditated on the silver line and the sky opened and the whole thing happened again with new information. I was just amazed. I couldn't believe what was happening. Again I woke up and tried to commit everything to memory reciting both dreams in my head but again I fell asleep and found myself right back in the same dream. This happened about 5 or 6 times and I finally fell asleep and didn't wake back up until morning having had a regular (not lucid dream) about the circus and catching a plane. I can't remember anything it said now though I know it was super logical and super important but I can't help but not be too worried because I feel like it is all in my subconscious. I am going to try to have the same lucid dream again tonight. I don't know if I can pull it off but I have never experienced anything like that in my life! I just had to share.