Silver Suit Case

Date: 2/7/2019

By joshuaremaley

In this dream, I guess my mom had been saving for something for a really long time by hosting a bunch of fundraisers and stuff so that she could do something significant. Well then a neighbor that she had apparently had a really toxic relationship with since the dawn of time was somehow able to manipulate the civil court into believing that some overgrown roots of a tree on my mom’s property where the reason that she tripped and broke her leg or some bullshit! She drained my mom‘s savings account thereby devastating her to tears. So basically I hopped in my Ferrari and sped over to their house (which doesn’t make sense if they were neighbors, lol) to find these people worshipping a bonfire made of suitcases. I spotted one dangling above the flames and it was silver like the ones you see in movies. I was able to sneak up, snatch it, and burn rubber out of there. Their chase was futile cause I was able to hide in the shadows while they passed me and boom. Got mom her money back.