Recurring asian baby on the beach with a knife

Date: 3/13/2018

By laurenl98

There’s this one recurring dream i have quite often and it starts with me chilling out on a beach with my parent (father today) and I’m on a towel on the sand and a few feet away is a little asian boy playing with a small kitchen knife in the sand. He looks like he is playing a little too violently so i come over to help him and maybe steer him away from danger like cutting himself or hurting his dad (whose back is turned away from me) right next to him. When i get closer he always has a really creepy smile on his face and he is very violent with the knife, but only stabs inanimate things like the sand and his towel. He comes very close to stabbing me. I manage to pry the knife away every time but every single time he tries to get it back and i run off into the ocean with it in attempts to throw it far away. Only... every time i get to the ocean something stops me from throwing it. Before i would just get molasses limbs like i do in other dreams which prevents me from moving anywhere. Today when i had this dream i saw four other kids who were playing in the ocean and they came closer to attack me and get the knife too. So bottom line every time i have this dream i can’t throw the knife away into the ocean so i hide it somewhere and bring it back to the beach with me. And when i went back to the beach i realized i wasn’t hiding it at all and the asian boy tries to grab it from my hand and tries to attack me. I always turn to his father at the end, but he just supports his son’s playtime or says something creepy like “boys will be boys” or something stupid. And then the boy always says something scary about everyone around me being already dead.