Date: 5/6/2018

By cati3martin

okay so this story takes place at my high school, except it’s different. it looks like my high school but there are people living in rooms around the school. it’s like a college dorms but whole families were living together. so it starts as me waking up in my dorm at the school. but my whole family is there. me, my mom, my dad, my brother, and my grandma. but also the whole cast of the show Friends. Joey, Monica, Chandler, Ross, Phoebe, and Rachel. we all lived in the same dorm (it had lots of rooms in the dorm. idk it made sense in my dream). so i walk into the living room of the dorm and Chandler walks in. “you ready for our road trip?” he asks me. “yeah but we have to go to biology class first” i remind him. then Monica walks in “okay guys i’m gonna make everyone a cherry pie that’s going on the road trip!” and then she runs into the kitchen. Ross comes in “have you guys seen Joey?” we all tell him no. “well i got to go” i tell them and head off to biology class. my whole family is also in the class. they sit behind me. “Okay class, now we are going to learn about a woman’s period. after she bleeds for a week, mother nature rewards her with a banana.” our teacher tell us. then somewhere across the class a girl yells “oh my god i got one” as she holds up a banana. everyone is excited. Monica runs in the class holding a bunch of cherry pies. she seems really frazzled. “okay okay here is your pie”. she hands me the pie and runs off to give everyone else theirs. once she is done she runs off to finish packing for the road trip. a few minutes later Chandler run in the classroom “have you guys seen Joey? we need to leave soon for the road trip!” “no one has seen him” Rachel answers. he looks around and everyone nods in agreement. he turns around and runs out the door. next runs in Joey with a long sandwich. “hey what’s up you guys! oh hey you got a pie?! where’s mine?” “i don’t think Monica knew you were coming. we couldn’t find you” i answered. i shared my pie with him even though he ate most of it. class ends and we all start to walk out the door. all of our things were already in the car and all we had to do was get to it. but the thing was that there were thousands of people walking around the hallways trying to get to their next class. we could barely get through. once we got to the front we couldn’t find Chandler! “he must of gotten lost in the crowd” rachel said. we waited and waited and Chandler finally popped out of the crowd of people. everyone was here and ready to leave. we turn around and head for the front door. as soon as i put my hand on the door to open it, i wake up.