what the everloving fuck

Date: 11/30/2019

By astralArbitrary

this dream was preceded by a dream where i started taking ballet lessons again but i hated them. then, i was trying to break into this rich guy’s mansion because ... reasons? i walk around the perimeter for a bit and then go to the front door. someone opens the door and asks what my business is and i say that i’m here to take a driving test(?) and she’s like okay and lets me in??? so i’m in the house now? i walk around for a bit, looking at all the rooms. apparently the rich guy is a bad guy so i’m uneasy. i sorta watch as a spectator while this guy wakes up and goes through his morning routine, attended by all of his servants and housekeepers. then i’m back in my body and a party is going on in the house later and it’s dark out. i’m walking through the house (looking for something to steal?) and i got through quite a few rooms. there’s people milling around, having alcohol, and the guy’s daughter is there with friends (it might have been her birthday?) but i don’t find anything. then i’m in one particular room and people are talking to me or whatever but i’m not listening and instead i look to one of the glass walls and there’s people fucking on the other side of it??? one of the women has an extra mouth on her rib cage????? and all of a sudden the dream starts getting weird. i keep asking the other people in the room if they see this but they ignore me. then i realize i’m in a trap. three(?) women in lingerie then come into the room as everyone else files out. i forget what they said to me but the one in red lingerie (the others had black) takes off her bottoms and she is just gushing blood. i’m starting to freak out and now i know that they’re actually going to kill me. i pick up a fork on the table and am ready to throw it like a throwing knife but she already has one as well. i throw the fork and it makes a satisfying meaty noise and i know i hit her at least a little. she gets mad and throws the fork she has and i dodge. for the next few minutes i run frantically around the room, picking up sharp things and trying to throw them at her. i usually hit her but she’s never fully deterred. at one point at start throwing these flat metal chips at her??? but now i’m trying to look for a way out. there’s two doors. all of a sudden one of them opens and i’m like “oh cool exit” so i run to it and as soon as i stand under the doorframe i realize it’s a trap so i jump back and have to find a place to hide so i hide next to a tall potted bush so the lady won’t find me. i hear her approach on the other side of the plant and she approaches the open door, looking for me in the trap, but i’m hidden and safe. i have a fork in my hand. when she turns around and exits the doorway to start looking for me again i decide to strike. i run at her, turned away from me, and stab my fork deep into the flesh of her back. the tines go very deep, like i was using a knife instead of a damn fork. she doesn’t even have time to scream or struggle, she just goes down on the floor like that. i stab her a few more times until the last stab and i keep stabbing deeper with the fork until i feel and hear a “pop/crunch” noise and i know i broke something vital and she’s dead. it was a really gross feeling, like i could actually feel the fork going though the flesh and muscle and bones. after this one of the other women in lingerie comes after me (the one in the trap doorway at the end of the hall) since her leader isn’t responding and i kill her too the same way, with more shallower stabs until she’s dead. the final lady comes after me and i grab this jeweled... comb thing(?) with inlaid jewels and kill her with that instead of the fork. this is all very surreal. now i really need to find an exit so i go back to the trap doorway and go through it. the room is a small closet with another door parallel to it a few feet away. but before i can get to the door the doorway fades into a black void and i hear the red lady’s voice echo in my head that this was a trap and i’d never escape but since i had already killed her i wasn’t too worried about it. i step into the void and i’m back at the original doorway while half of my mind is through the next door into the rest of the house. my conscious is split here: half of me is going through this small hallway and walking through the void before being teleported back, over and over and over a million times, while the other half is going through the house, all doorways now replaced by these voids, getting deeper and deeper into a labyrinth. all of a sudden i realize to get out i would need to retrace all of my steps exactly to leave. so i did and i’m back in my body and i step out of the trap room for real. i go to the other door. it’s that exact same room except without the black void. i look between the two a few times to see the illusion. then i go through the real door and back into the rest of the house. it’s daytime now outside and i’m just walking around, trying to find the real exit. the party is clearly over and there’s no people. then the owner of the house, the rich guy, starts walking around again, going through his morning routine with all of his servants, but now i know that he had indirectly tried to kill me and that he’s a despicable human being, so i keep out of his sight but also try to get closer. i listen to him talk to and order all of them around until all of a sudden they disappear and he’s confused. he notices me walking around once and calls out to me but i get out of sight. then i follow him into his bedroom, still confused, calling out to his housekeepers, but they’re all gone. he stumbles around his room, confused, and he tries to pick up his dental retainers but i look away for a moment, then look back, and he’s aged like 40 years in front of my eyes and has fallen to the ground, trying to pick up the fallen retainers, very confused. i just observe, watching what happens to the man who tried to kill me. i look away once more and look back and now he’s even older, laying in his bed which is now a hospital bed, hooked up to oxygen and just barely alive. the oxygen machine then starts recounting all of his crimes against humanity, listing the women i had to kill (one of which was his daughter, apparently, because i took a ring off her body that was his daughter’s) as he sent them. another random guy is here now, recounting all of this, but i don’t interact with him in any way. the rich guy is puffing now and i realize that he’s dying. all of a sudden i get a rush of sympathy and want to comfort him in his last moment but i don’t. this goes on for a bit until the dream gets foggy and i’m back in the foyer, assumedly after the guy has died. i gather my things(?) and pull out the twenty dollar bill i apparently had on me, knowing that i had to use it to catch a bus home since i couldn’t drive and i was far away. i start thinking about how the police were going to arrive soon and how i was probably going to be questioned since i, you know, killed three women, but it was self defense so i’m probably okay. this is around where i woke up. WHAT THE FUCK???????