Date: 7/10/2019
By KpopLife
In my dreamMy friends and I appeared at school me emely naz jenni, jacky, and gloria and some other people that we didn’t know. Instead of the field and fire station & stuff there was woods. We were on the quad but eme jacky jenni and gloria went in the gym but only emely came back. I asked emely “where are they”. But she said, “ i went to the bathroom and when i came out they were gone so, i thought they came back in here”. So, by then we were both freaked out. We went all over the school looking for them, but they were nowhere to be seen. Me and Emely became very afraid. Then out of nowhere we hear cackling coming from the woods. We when on the quad to all of the sudden see a scary clown creeping out of the woods. It came to the gate And it was trying to open it , everybody started running back inside the cafeteria, and we locked all the doors. We watched the clown in fear, as it was trying to unlock the gate when all of the sudden a second clown comes out of nowhere and both of them got to the left gate and tried to open it. We all were screaming in fear.