Reality Shift

Date: 5/16/2021

By SagittariusDreamer

I was walking around with my friend Sarah at some mall or shopping plaza, just relaxing in each other's company. We stopped by some chocolate place and she urged me to the wall towards this framed photo. Without prompting, I liked it with the assumption that it would taste like chocolate. It was only after I liked it that she told me I had to sniff it instead. We left the mall soon after, heading back to some woman's house. Everyone was sitting in the living room, all women, helping plan out Sarah's wedding in a way that would accommodate everyone. One of the older women said something extremely rude to me, and I stood up saying "what the fuck did you just say to me?" The rest of the women started to get up, and one of them sternly told me I had to leave while handing me two bookbags. I told her I already had mine on my back, but she gave them to me anyways and said I had to go. I guess they thought I was gonna fight an old woman. So me and Sarah left together, and she was pissed. She applied another coat of lipstick, and I asked where we were going. She didn't know, so I suggested the mall, but reiterated that we should go to a different mall, for variety. She agreed and we ended up at another mall. We were on our way inside when I spotted someone, a mid-sized heavy set man in a white shirt, walking away from us to the left with intention. When I noticed the gun in his hand, I started to run, then Sarah ran faster, practically dragging me into the closest building, which happened to be a restaurant. We ran into the kitchen, and it seems other had the same idea because there was a pile of people hiding on the floor. Someone I knew was there, but I don't know who it was or could be. We tried to hide, but the shooter rounded the corner, shooting one of the people laying down directly in the head. I started to hyperventilate, my fight or flight responses kicking in, and I decided flight was my best option if I didn't wanna get murdered. I ran through what I thought could be a back door that led outside, but I was greeted with a dark, dank corridor. I kept running, down a confusing mess of stairs and metal-floored halls until I found a room. And by then, everything changed. Not only was I white, or maybe even asian, I had ruby red hair and was completely stylized, like a cartoon. I was the brightest thing in that grungy dark grey room, other than the singular candle. I didn't take much time to process everything that was in the room, but I did notice a little doll in the upper right hand corner of the room, in a little rectangle in the wall that seemed meant for no other purpose than to hold that doll. Apparently, there seemed to be more people down here than I'd expected (information given to me by a synopsis I read somehow). The information proved true, because someone came up and put their hand on my mouth, pinning me down against the table and telling me to stay quiet. Hoe mode activated I guess, I put one of my legs up in a very revealing way. They walked away though, understandably, and I woke up because of my strong urge to pee.