Date: 1/11/2021
By Keraniwolf
In a medieval kingdom of some kind, a couple gave birth to a kid. They were either nobles who were losing money or commoners who had a chance to become noble. Basically, their rise from poverty to wealth depended on them having an heir. A boy heir. Unfortunately, the kid didn't have the right parts to qualify. That's where I came in. I can't remember why I was visiting, but I noticed how mad the dad was getting & how much the mom was crying. I also somehow noticed that the kid himself didn't like the parts he had since he was trans. Like me. "If you're so worried about having a male heir," I told them, "there's always Shakespeare." They were confused when I brought up the bard, and demanded clarification. I explained that Shakespeare could do magic. Specifically, he could cast magic that would change people's bodies. How else did they think I had 3 boobs? As much as I hated having them, I was indebted to Shakespeare so I had to let him mess with me like this sometimes. I was due to have it changed back to a flat chest the way I liked it, so I promised I'd bring them with me to meet him. I'd have them watch my transformation, then decide if they wanted the same treatment for their son. When we got to Shakespeare's villa, it was full of servants and guests. It took awhile for us to find a place for the baby to sleep and a (sorta mostly) private room for the magic. When we got there, I took my clothes off and sat on my knees in front of a little platform of cushions where Shakespeare sat. I don't remember what he looked like, exactly, just that he didn't look anything like the paintings you see of real life Shakespeare. He wasn't unattractive, but he wasn't really anything special either. For the magic, he wrote a letter in extremely fancy handwriting on a scrap of torn stationary -- the kind of paper with a pretty, elaborate design to frame the writing. This letter asked the fae to change my body to suit his specifications. He folded it loosely like a taco, twisted his body halfway around, & nestled it in his many cushions. A group of fuzzy little lights, the fae, came up from the nest in a gust of wind. They drifted over to me and circled around the places Shakespeare had asked to change. My center boob went away first. Then, the parts between my legs changed. A dick grew there, and I was happy. At first. Then it kept growing, until it was so long that if I was hard it would've reached up to my chest. I got mad at that point. I lectured Shakespeare, who tried to defend himself with a mischievous smirk. I told him that as fun as he thought this would be, it wouldn't actually work the way he was imagining. If he wanted me to top him, he wouldn't be satisfied by only part of this thing managing to fit into him. Didn't he like thick things being put inside better, anyway? I knew his tastes too well to think he'd enjoy this length. He grumbled a bit, but ultimately folded another letter to change my dick into something less ridiculous. Our audience was a little shaken by the whole exchange. Magic, naked trans people, and open discussions of gay sex were a bit much for them to process. Still, it gave them hope for their own kid. They started begging Shakespeare to change their kid's body, too. I left the room so they could negotiate. I went in search of a place to masturbate, now that I had the parts I wanted down below. I realized a few things as I was traversing the villa in my loose robes: I'd been so fixated on my size, I'd forgotten to get mad at him for not making my chest flat, so I'd have to do something about that when negotiations were over & I'd been so used to the process of magical transition that I'd forgotten to tell the parents they'd have to refresh the magic every few years. I knew Shakespeare wouldn't think to tell them. I'd just have to mention it the next time we bumped into each other. For the time being, I was only focused on finding a private place. I passed by rooms where other guests were having their own stories play out. Two star crossed teenage lovers finally admitting their love. A teenager questioning their actual gender as the magic Shakespeare had used on their body had weird reactions. A couple having sex while being keenly aware that the walls were too thin for anything to count as private. That made me even more determined & even more frustrated that I couldn't truly be alone. I found an empty room, dark and unfurnished, but I could still hear all the other guests doing their things. Especially the couple doing the deed. With a sigh & the realization that I was hard, I resolved to use the empty room. Someone in the hall saw me & made some comments about me not having a partner. They said it must've had something to do with my dick being ugly. I looked down at it & saw that it had a weird texture. It wasn't attractive in the usual way. But it was mine, & the parts I'd had before were worse bc they made me dysphoric, & I could always get something more attractive from Shakespeare if I wanted, so I brushed it off. How it felt was most important, anyway. I slammed the sliding wood door behind me & went into the center of the room to sit/lay down on the floor & get to know my current body a little better. Screw what anyone else had to say, I was happy my body was at least partially mine again & not a dysphoric nightmare. That was enough. There were also some scenes of the kid back in his own home territory. These showed how his family had their own noble title & territory now. One scene showed him in complete girl mode as a 12 year old. His chest wasn't big yet, but he still had to bind it down a little. He was having fun with his friends at a festival, but wondering if his long hair looked weird now that his features were softening with puberty. He didn't mind being a girl, but he wanted to go back to what was familiar for him. He wanted to have the magic refreshed. He decided he'd tell his parents later. For now, there were little fireworks to set off & races to win & buildings to climb & foods to eat from festival stalls. He could do all that as a girl, too. It didn't matter to him. He had the option of using magic whenever he wanted, after all. The last thing I remember is how he climbed what looked like a water tower & waved down at his friends to encourage them to follow. Until next I wander