Wolf mother

Date: 4/2/2023

By freeselkie

I had a dream that I was observing a mother of two 3 young children. Maybe ages five and eight I became the mother. I was by myself. my husband was off to work, but I had a secret I was a werewolf and I had to change into a wolf a lot during the day to visit my secret pack in the woods. Unfortunately the kids were playing outside they did not know about the secret. I remember turning into a wolf And going into the woods. I came back as a human into the yard. The house was near the woods. I considered as a watched my children play telling them my secret. I felt burdened. I knew I should go play a game with them as they were outside running around and having a good time. I remember trying to start a project in the yard with them some thing about digging trenches, but we didn’t get far with a little shovels because I stopped them Midway. They were confused. They didn’t understand why we had to stop The trenches had something to do with marking my territory. I didn’t make sense I know. My husband didn’t know about the secret of being a werewolf either. It was a painful decision. Tell about the pack in the woods in my own Life And arrival pack? Keep my family safe or leave my family. I woke up sad

AI generated interpretation Based on the details of your dream, there are several possible interpretations that could be drawn. The central themes of your dream involve secrecy, burden, and conflicting loyalties. Here are a few possible interpretations: - Symbolic representation of motherhood: The mother wolf in your dream may represent your own maternal instincts or your desire for motherhood. The fact that you become the wolf suggests a primal, animalistic aspect to this desire. The conflicting loyalties you feel may be a representation of the way motherhood can feel like a juggling act, trying to balance your own needs with the needs of your children and partner. - The mask of secrecy: Your secret identity as a werewolf might represent aspects of yourself that you feel compelled to hide from others. This could include any number of things, from deep-seated fears and insecurities to aspects of your personality that you don't feel are socially acceptable. The fact that the kids don't know about your secret suggests that you feel like you are keeping a part of yourself hidden from those closest to you. - Fear of losing control: The trenches you were digging in your yard might represent a need to establish boundaries or assert control over your environment. The fact that you didn't complete the project could be a representation of feeling like you can't fully assert control over everything in your life. The fear of losing control may also be present in your identity as a werewolf; transforming into an animal might represent a fear of losing control of your actions or potentially endangering your family. - Tension between different aspects of your life: The tension you feel in your dream between your loyalty to your family and your loyalty to your werewolf pack may represent a sense of being pulled in different directions in your waking life. This could be related to work-life balance, relationships with friends and family, or even conflicting personal values. The fact that you woke up feeling sad suggests that this tension is causing you emotional distress. Overall, your dream seems to be highlighting some core conflicts and tensions that you may be feeling in your waking life. It might be helpful to reflect on these themes and consider what changes you might want to make in order to feel more fulfilled and balanced. A therapist or counselor might be able to help you unpack these themes and develop a plan for navigating the challenges you're facing.