secret military agent

Date: 6/17/2016

By carolinakai

Years ago i dreamt that I was a soldier of an elite fighting squadron who specialized in recon and rescue kinds of things. I was with this man who was also my husband? We were in the desert at a secret hangar base on a mission. We were looking for a laboratory in order to save some of our team members. We scale this giant cliff together and finally make it to the top, my husband is careful to let me do things on my own. He trusts me. We make it to the top and theres this strange metal door built into the side of the cliff. It’s sort of an inverted V shape and in order to get in you have to jump through quickly or else you'd be crushed by the rapid moving doors. We make it through and beat up some guards. My husband rushes off to get our teammates because he knows the schematics of the laboratory. I wait near the door to make sure we have a clear exit. But something draws me to look through a glass window into one of the experimentation chambers. I peek inside and see all of the test subjects are me. Some are being tortured and others are hooked up to treadmills running for hours and hours. I feel my mind being sucked into each one of their psyches and then my team comes around the corner. My husband says we have to go but I cant stop staring at myself. The oldest member of our team pats my shoulder and says "its fucked up..but we need to go or well never make it out" i nod and just as were about to turn to leave two guards come between us and the door. One of them shoots the oldest member of our team. He screams "GO!" And i tackle one guard knocking him out/killing him. The other guard is young and he backs off, with one final glance back i jump through the door and make it onto a helicopter with my team. Then i wake up.