I’m a teacher abroad and one kid commits suicide

Date: 11/14/2024

By Alex_7298

I’m a high school teacher somewhere abroad. Kids look European and skip class or get there late, so I turn into a very strict teacher and they know. I don’t let them get away with rudeness and lack of respect and some of them follow, some others don’t or it takes them longer. A kid name Alexander who looks exactly like Alessandro Cittar tries my patience, but finally comes around once his classmates too tell him he’s wrong acting like that. The during the break I go with other kids to the rooftop, but it’s just a ledge and I fear falling. Down the street looks like Maghreb or a dirty and quite sandy poor place in the world. A lot of vendors on both sides of the road and also on the ledge to my left are selling palm leaves or similarities. They’re supposed to be edible. Someone hears police sirens coming our way and all the vendors either hide behind the leaves or gather them up quickly and go, but too late, cops come and catch a few - it’s apparently an illegal activity! Then I take a bus but don’t know where I’m going. The driver goes too fast and I have to hold on. We’re still in Maghreb or Indonesia, I guess, and we drive by the Canadian diplomatic neighborhood, nice condos where those people live. Still, the rest of the place is just dirt roads and golden brown rocks and sand. I get to the school gymnasium and the students and I are all looking up, where a high railway like a roller coaster is. One student, a dark haired quite chubby boy, decides to ride the wagon all by himself. He’s crazy! It’s so dangerous and some parts of the track are missing!!! But he wants to kill himself. Despite all our begging to come down he starts riding and catches speed. The first 2-3 times he manages to jump past the gaps in the tracks, but he isn’t that lucky the last time. He crashes down and I can’t watch it! I turn my head the other way. He crashes his skull and everyone is screaming!! I run for my phone and call the 18. A female voice answers, but my voice won’t come out, I feel like I’m chocking. I manage to say something, but the lady misunderstands me and thinks the boy is still alive. There’s also an issue with my phone not being Canadian, apparently. So I think I have another girl call again and this time I scream he’s dead and we need help!!