WWII Cameraman Under Fire... and more...

Date: 7/30/2019

By AJacobs

Mostly a WWII dream... Early on, I'm not sure. We were in a large wooden one story lodge. It was a party or event or something. The North section had hallways to our communal sleeping rooms. I just remember going to mine which had 20+ people. I think we were all friends, maybe classmates, we weren't strangers. If you headed South down the hallways you would get to a large perpendicular room. Maybe a bit like the Hanklas kitchen/living room. I don't really remember what happened in that location. Next comes a tale of being a US soldier camera crew in WWII. So we were probably in the Signal Corps. There was me and two others in an old army jeep, it might have been slightly larger than normal and with a top/cover. I think we were a camera crew. We were definitely a forward element non-combat team. We were looking back at our soldiers advancing. The location reminded me of Prairie Crossing a little. But there was just low grass fields instead of a prairie. Looking North, we overlooked a lake to the East. To my left, on the West side of the lake, was a wooded area. Houses were about to my right, the East, on both sides of the lake. There were a couple of scattered Allied soldiers I could see in the distance. I turned around, there was a barn to my left (East) and the rest was a grassy slope downwards from us. There were about five or six scattered German soldiers lumbering about. I mentioned them to my two buddies and started to grow worried. The other guy told the drive to drive. He eased into the gas pedal... and turned left to the dirt road going towards the Germans. There were now a couple squads of Germans running around. They opened fire on us. The jeep driver floored the gas and we careened down the path. German pockets of troops were crouched and spraying bullets our way. I tucked my head down as cracks and the zipping of metal screamed past my body. After passing the barn, I looked back and saw at least one squad of US GI's moving swiftly through those woods towards the Germans. After struggling to stay on the road while going fast and turning, we pass through a little covered bridge building. When we come out the other side. We are back in a place with many Allied soldiers. We finally park and can take a breath. I had the thought to take out my smartphone and take pictures, hoping it would be in the real world as well. I am mostly lucid at this point I think. I think I had woken up and gone back to sleep. I thought, the only way the pictures would work would be if I exited sleep paralysis while in REM sleep to pick up my phone next to me. Even then, I my phone would just take pictures of my bed. So I took out my phone from my pocket and turned the screen on to my camera app. It was actually red, black and yellow, and not exactly real at first on the screen. Then it turned into a regular screen seeing through the camera. I took many pictures. Individual Germans walking about. A GI stacked against the barn bridge building we exited. I looked at them too, there were like 15ish pictures I took. Somehow (maybe I fell back asleep here) I ended up driving through the neighborhood with my brother and his girlfriend. We were coming from the allied side, but it was now not a combat area with no one around. I woke up and looked at my phone... sadly... no dream photos...