Teenage Rebel

Date: 3/11/2019

By leathecage

I was back in school and every student who did really well in class got a free ticket to anywhere they wanted. My friend Alex ended up getting one and getting a ticket for an Australian themed bus that had a buffet in it. I wanted to get a free ticket too, but I wasn't sure what I'd get with it yet. Anyway, I was in class and the teacher asked a question that I couldn't quite understand. She then wanted us to write down our work and answers so we could present them to the class. My friend next to me, Aurora, was doing hers just fine, but I was very confused. Aurora presented hers and got a ticket, I, on the other hand, said mine wasn't done yet, so I got permission to present it the next day. After school, I went to Walmart for somethings, and I somehow started working there after helping someone. I was stocking the shelves, and my boss, who was an ogre, told me that he thought I was trouble, and to stay in line or I'd be fired. I ended up walking out of the place without a second thought, because it was just Walmart. In the parking lot there were picketers. I didn't know what they were protesting, but I joined in.