Betty White's Space Ship

Date: 3/29/2019

By TempusVernum

I was on an alien planet with my irl boyfriend, Blake. Everything was dark and cold and barren. If you looked up, you could see the vacuum of space which appeared far closer than our night sky makes it seem. There were patches of water everywhere, and an elevator. We knew that things lived in the water, and we could never touch it if we wanted to avoid death. Throughout this early part of the dream, I kept getting these intersessions in which I could see this planet being destroyed hundreds or thousands of years previous. Almost everyone died. Almost. One group of people had these raised farm beds, where they were able to take shelter, and later had the means to feed themselves. Blake and I, back in whatever present we were living in, were taking the elevator up, floor by floor, and on all of them it was the same darkness and water. As we approached the second to top floor, the elevator began to constrict around us, the walls getting closer and closer until it was like we were standing in a one foot by one foot space. Blake panicked, but for some reason, I knew this would happen, as if I'd done it before. Still I was nervous, because if it happened differently than last time, we were dead. Fortunately, the doors opened, and we toppled out... straight into a pool of the black water, deeper and larger than any we'd seen before. We both panicked and flailed our way out and onto what looked like a raised farm bed... We laid down, because there were people here and we thought they'd kill u if they saw us. Instead an old lady found us and brought us up to her giant space ship, where all of them were living. I'm pretty sure the old lady was my grandma, but she looked like Betty White. Once inside, she set us up in some nice rooms and told us they were in the midst of preparing a feast, if we would just wait a few hours. Our rooms, which we shared with some people on the ship, were decorated in this eye gouging color scheme that was like fifties and sixties suburban housewife meets seventies disco. We were just happy to be safe. After a while, we went to find a bathroom and discovered that this ship was like a house made for hundreds of people, and there were hundreds of people. On our outing, we found a piano. Blake loves piano, and our grandmother host got wind of this and took us deep into the ship, up to the very nose of it. There, we went through some awkwardly placed doors into storage rooms that looked like they belonged to a grandma and hadn't been touched in a long time. Up on top of the shelf was a model piano, about big enough for an American Girl Doll. Grandma had to get a boost to get it down, but she reverently took it off the shelf. This thing, we all knew, was worth more than our lives. To get it into the playing room, we had to crawl out a hatch in the roof and onto the top of the ship. Grandma did this with no problem, but Blake and I were more cautious. On top of the ship, we were in space. It was as if this craft was so large, the tip of it broke through and into the depths of space. There was a glorius, beautiful nebula of vibrant pinks and yellows right in front of us as we edged along the top. The ship felt like styrofoam. As we got closer to the very edge, we could see another trap door that I had to put the model piano in. Floating above us, attached to a tether was my real grandpa, who couldn't hear us very well, just like in real life. Blake was getting further and further behind me, and then he told me he felt like he was going to pass out. If that happened, he would drift off into space and die. I told him to get really close to me and hold on to me. I lowered the piano into the hatch, saying that the hatch was called the Thigus because I'd seen it on Star Trek (the best thing I can figure out here is that i was thinking the Kobiashi Maru and then went, yeah, uh huh, that's on a space ship. It's not). Anyway, Blake and I edged back carefully, and I started feeling faint too, but then he jumped down the hatch and I almost lost my grip on the ship. I managed to regain my foot and jump down too, careful not to land on one of the expensive pianos that seemed to be everywhere. It was now time for the feast, so we locked the piano room door and as I was doing so, and grabbed an odd contraption on the doorframe. A passing resident of the ship told me it was the starter for one of "Dio's Engines," Dio being a villian in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I tore wires from it and then woke up.