Lacrosse Game

Date: 10/9/2018

By winterwitch

So it started off with my brother and I hanging out in a mall to smell the candles but then my mom picked us up to pick up my uncle and his daughter. When we picked him up we took them to the same mall to watch a movie but we ended up wandering around to this sports section with a dog. I played with the dog to avoid having to talk to a hot guy there. Then my brother and I began playing tag inside the mall. The tag progressively gained more players until I was spotted in the frozen aisle section and I made a break for it. I ran through this door that led downstairs and stopped to hangout by this dude I knew(I knew him from camp, he’s hot and smart). We hung out in this hidden area next to the door, so if anyone not in our team came in to go to the bottom floor(the main base where we all met to end the game) we could tag them. Everyone came in really fast(like fast enough to blow my hair in my face) and then the last person went to the bottom, so the dude and I had to go to the bottom floor. At the bottom floor everyone had to split into new smaller teams. The dude and I stuck together until people noticed we both were still not in a team. We checked our little slips and saw we were on different teams and joined them. So then the teams led us outside to a grass field. While leading us out, I noticed I had a different friend from camp in my team, we talked for a little until we got to the game. The game we played was a mixture of golf and hockey. There was a hole in the middle of the field and everyone had hockey sticks and passed the ball to each other until someone made it into the hole, unless it was blocked by another person. And this goes on until the time runs out. We were down to the last minute and I was playing real well for my team, and blocked every attempt to make it into the hole. The score was 3:3 and I was on defense. It was down to the last ten seconds and everyone was screaming to have David play if I continued to block, and I had no idea who that was, but I knew that wasn’t good for my team, so I continued to block every attempt. This boy balanced the ball on his stick and told me “Last chance” and I said “Show me what you got”. He nodded and passed it over my head to a man behind me. I turned around and saw David Beckham(very far away from the hole) fist bump the ball into the hole. Everyone was screaming at me to hit it out of the hole, since it was stuck and not fully in, I tried but it just pushed the ball further in and made the goal for the opposite team and the buzzer rang. Everyone cheered and I laughed at how weird it was and woke up smiling.