Date: 2/13/2020
By Brighter_daes
I was in my garage but it was like a car repair shop garage. I had 2 younger sisters and 4 older brothers and we were all in the garage. I sat down near the garage door with my sisters. My brother then walked out and drove back in with his car followed by a white 1971 Cadillac. The Cadillac drove too close to my sisters and almost hit them so I kicked it away with superhuman strength. I then realized I had kicked a strangers car so I got up and apologized to him. I’ll call him Synn. He told me it was fine and to get inside the car. Before my brother could even get out of the car he drove away with me in the car. I remained calm thinking of ways I could escape. He drove through a neighborhood I was familiar with and I considered jumping out of the car. Before I could gain the resolve to do it he asked me if I knew where the store “Agua” was. I said yes, that it was at the mall. We stopped and got off. His friend went to the store while we wandered around. I knew this place like the back of my hand. I was planning on running and hiding the moment I got a chance. Suddenly there was this middle aged man in front of me asking me weird questions. I’ll call him Gray. Synn recognized him and went up to hug him. I took that moment to hide. I was about to run when I heard their conversation. They were talking about trying to heal Gray. Gray kept saying he didn’t want to be healed and that it was a long and painful process. Synn said that he was gonna try anyways and that Gray made him do it too. Synn then called Gray dad and I was very confused. I realized my time for escaping was coming to an end so I turned to run. Suddenly I drop to the floor paralyzed. I feel blood running down my stomach and notice I’m wounded. Synn runs up to me and cradles my body. Gray walls up to us and tells him “ Now you can’t heal me because you’ll be busy healing your mate.” Existence fades away and I lay there in confusion. I can see miles above where I was and see Synn destroy the area where I was. Synn grabs me and puts me in his car whispering “it’s gonna be alright just hold on”. That’s the last thing I hear before everything fades to black