Escaping and Framing my own Death, a Clone of my Mother... then being with Flite Test...

Date: 1/1/2020

By AJacobs

It was dark and night time in the dream to start. Earlier on, I was on the run... people were trying to kill me. I was at home. At one point, I met a would be assassin, but he agreed to say that he killed me. So then I felt relatively safe for a short period. I was thinking about calling (I said foreign at one point not thinking, [foreign]) Witness Protection, wonder how I would be relocated and with a new life. Some news outlets stated I died in the explosion or fire that was at my home, but had been controlled. Then though, I heard a radio saying one outlet had said that I was alive. I was like... why... This was on the stairs of my home. My brother said he had told the news outlet. I was angry at myself for not telling my brother that it was good for them to believe I was dead (I had told my mom) and that I was in danger. I then packed and got in the car with my mom, now it was daylight. We drove down the couldesac, walking on the road was apparently a clone of my mom... My mom driving stopped and the two started at each other, both seeming to have a mental breakdown. I did a calculation of which was my real mother and which was a fake one sent by the people trying to kill me. The walking one said something which made me suspicious. I then begged my mom driving to, "Mom, please go. Mom, we need to go." We pulled away and left... I know there was another part where I was presumably at some government base (underground?), but I was uneasy and did not feel terribly secure with all of these people in suits. I don't remember much of this part, but I know there was a gathering of people to discuss me that about to happen at this oval table... The end of the dream was somewhat unrelated or maybe implied to be after we were relocated. I woke up at 0630, so I think my dream reset after going back to sleep for another couple hours. Now I was in the city. I remember taking the overhead train/tram system. It was implied to be by colleges. My brother and his girlfriend was there. I didn't know the area and was trying to follow. The main thing that happened was we came up to where in my dream, Flite Test was located for some reason. They invited me in and had gotten my email about Captain Sonar (a Real Time Submarine Board Game). This doesn't make a whole lot of sense since Flite Test is a Remote Controlled Hobby Company and YouTubers... not Board Gamers... Josh Bixler had twenty minutes before this next video they had to film and thought I might be a part of a Captain Sonar Review or something since they were planning on doing it anyways. Then something was said about maybe me not being in the review. My mom started breaking down, mad at Josh. I told her I wasn't planning on being a part of this anyways. Josh and I got up and went outside to a table where we would discuss the review. I apologized and told him that my mom has a lot of stress, and is in a bad state while finalizing my parent's divorce. Then I go to get the game from 15 feet away and my brother, mom, and dad come outside and sit down (was my dad with us before in the dream?). I then get back and Josh has a computer out, open to my email (it was supposed to be an email, it looked like a Word document). He reads off the start of my email. Suggesting the game for them... I apparently had picked two bad names for submarines like the Allahu Ackbarian or something like that. We all ridiculed and shamed the bad names, booing and oohing then... They are names I would never make in real life (and this email, I didn't even know any of it, just was implied I sent it). But it was somewhat like how I might write in some instances as far as being polite as far as encouraging them to review the game if it fits in their schedule if they like... or something. Somewhere while this is being read I woke up.