Margaret and Tom Hardy

Date: 11/20/2018

By Moonstar

Margaret and I are having drinks with two friends at a bar accross the street from the building where I was born. I can see Tom Hardy standing in the little balcony of one of the apartments. He is looking at us. I tell Margaret, I bet he comes to talk to us and soon he is sitting at the table with us, taking about his latest movie. I like Tom but I don’t want him to know so we start arguing about spreadsheets. He does not take the argument seriously, anyway. He leaves shortly after Margaret. I leave with one of the guys who is very hurt because he likes me but I only pay attention to TH. We make a date to go out on the next day. I pass by Margaret’s room just to make sure Tom is not with her. He is not. Second dream of the night: NEW SOFTWARE As we are ready to launch new software, the boss decides to go on vacation and I am left in charge. Everything is confusing and things don’t go well from the beginning. Andre is trying to take screenshots so that we cannot be blamed and I seem to be running all over the place, packing and shouting orders. There are three women in the bathroom, all with their periods, bleeding heavily.