Digital art, As they passionately made out on the bed, the couple abruptly stopped upon realizing that their neighbors, who happened to be her lacrosse coach and daughter, were peering through the window blinds.

Make out Gone Wrong

Date: 11/22/2020


I ran into two of my guy friends who were hanging out and whom I’ve known since middle school (we’ll call them A and D). The three of us caught up with each other, and, eventually, D wanted to talk to me alone. D and I were walking, and he told me that he had feelings for me, which surprised me. Eventually, he and I said nothing and stared at each other’s eyes for what seemed to be a good ten seconds before locking lips. He ended up grabbing my butt and slipping his tongue into my mouth. I bit my lip which prompted him to take me to his apartment. There, we made out some more with him humping me on his bed and my legs locked around him. I was moaning hard because of how good it felt. In the midst of this, however, I noticed that the window blinds were open. I tried to stop him, but the neighbors next door, who happen to be my lacrosse coach and her daughter, noticed before I successfully got him off of me, and all four of us freaked out.

AI generated interpretation Based on your dream, several key themes and symbols emerge, revealing potential underlying thoughts, feelings, and conflicts that may be impacting your waking life. At the surface level, your dream revolves around a makeout session gone wrong with an old friend from middle school. You seemed to be physically attracted to the individual with whom you were kissing, given your reported enjoyment. However, there were also several disruptions during your encounter, such as the open window blinds and the sudden intrusion of neighbors, including your lacrosse coach and her daughter. These disruptions may represent concerns or fears of judgement or criticism from others, particularly authority figures or those who hold an influential position in your life. Additionally, the fact that the dream is set in your friend's apartment may suggest that you see him as a potentially safe or comfortable place to explore and express your feelings, perhaps even romantic ones. Nevertheless, the fact that his actions were unwelcome, and your attempts to stop the makeout were unsuccessful, may suggest a sense of powerlessness or a feeling of being trapped in an uncomfortable situation. Overall, this dream may represent your desire for intimacy and connection with others, particularly with someone you may have previously overlooked or disregarded. Nevertheless, it may also highlight underlying fears or concerns, particularly with regard to acceptance and judgement from others. Understanding these fears and concerns may help you navigate similar situations in your waking life more effectively and with greater confidence.