Digital art, A person, determined to prove their bravery, enters a dangerous forest of bears and lucidly dreams multiple failed attempts to kill a bear before finally succeeding.

My lucid attempts to kill a bearšŸ»

Date: 2/14/2019

By ChefRiggs

I went on a canoe trip with some guys and we are hanging out in this cabin in the mountains getting ready for bed and one of the guys was acting all tough saying ā€œIā€™m gonna sleep outside like a real man!ā€. One of the older guys was like ā€œI wouldnā€™t if I were you. There are bears in these woods.ā€ The younger guy decided not to sleep outside lol. That night I had an interesting dream I dreamt different ways I would kill a bear if I slept outside. This dream was lucid cause every time my plan failed, Iā€™d start over and try a different tactic. My first attempt was sleeping outside close to the cabin with trash piled on top of me. The idea was when the bear came to dig through it I would stab it in the neck but when I tried he tore into my abdomen with his sharp teeth. My second try, I thought maybe I could choke it out if I could get my arm around itā€™s neck so I hid behind the cabin and waited for it to come digging through the trash. I ran up and jumped on its back but it bit into my arm and swung me off. He tore me apart lol. My third and final attempt, I waiting on the roof of the cabin for the bear to come. When the bear approached, I jumped of the roof and saddled the bear. I took my hunting knife and quickly stabbed the bear in the neck as many times as I could until he dropped. The next morning, still in dream, the guys came outside and saw blood all over the cabin deck and in the grass. They looked around for me to see if I survived. In the field they saw a huge mound of meat. I walk up to them with the bear pelt wrapped around my shoulders and the knife in my hand. They all stared in shock and I say ā€œgood morning!ā€ And then I woke up lol.

AI generated interpretation The dream presents a scenario where you are faced with a strong and fierce opponent, represented by the bear. The bear can symbolize fear, aggression or raw power. Your attempts to kill the bear in the dream indicate a desire to overcome or eliminate this fear, either by fighting it head-on or finding other creative ways to tackle it. The fact that you're able to try different approaches in a lucid dream environment suggests you are adaptable and willing to experiment in order to find the best solution. The first attempt, using trash to lure the bear and then stabbing it, may represent a plan that is less than ideal, relying on a bait-and-switch technique that is easily foiled by the bear's strength. The second attempt, to choke out the bear, shows a more proactive approach, but it also highlights the danger of getting too close and underestimating the bear's agility, as represented by it biting and throwing you off. The third and final attempt represents a more aggressive and confident mindset, culminating in a decisive victory over the bear. Overall, the dream may signify your willingness to face your fears or tackle obstacles in your waking life, using creative problem-solving and perseverance, and potentially achieving leadership or dominance. It can also suggest a need to be cautious and strategic, however, in order to avoid being overwhelmed or overpowered by the challenges you face.