Date: 7/24/2019
By Juniwhale
PART 1 I had a dream I was taking a physics class in my senior year. Our class had to make an an animation video or a film that showed some kind of kinetic energy. We had two days to do it. I didn’t do it and everyone else did. I was so nervous and mad at myself. A girl in my class showed her video first. It was really good- it had a lot of special effects. (Hard to describe) 😕 After we watched it we went outside in some kind of city park. I didn’t tell anybody I didn’t do the work(at my school not doing the home work would make everyone hate you) So our class was walking back to school, going in a hiking area. The teacher stops us because there is small girl with ragged hair and clothes. (looks like golem) She runs away and I’m seriously worried about her. I knew her. I knew I was going to save her I guess. BUT 😓 My teacher is upset and tells me not to go after her. I was so angry at the teacher(who was pregnant) because she didn’t care about a girl who clearly needed help. I run after the girl, but I see policemen riding their bikes. I hear my teacher is calling me names. Went something like this: Teacher: Get back here, or you’ll fail the class Me: You already failed at life you whore (since she’s pregnant with no boyfriend**I KNOW THATS ACTUALLY HORRIBLE TO SAY😱) They are looking for me so I run to the school parking lot up ahead. I run past my teacher and classmates and jump into my (my moms black dodge truck that I guess I own) (In real life I’m 18 and I’ve barely driven her giant truck, I also only have a permit) I’m stepping on the gas. I had so much confidence about driving this massive beast on the narrow roads. I was driving fast and the truck felt out of control. I realized the police were behind me. I slowed down and then I see the freeway coming up so I skirt into the lane- but the truck is going SLOW. I am freaked out and I’m not reaching the speeds to get into the freeway. The vehicle was just so out of control😵