Catastrophic Test of Crew Dragon with Elon Musk, PlaneDozer, and I Need Help, Can't Swim...

Date: 2/1/2020

By AJacobs

I don't remember what came before this, things about every flying and stuff... I woke up hours ago briefly when my roomate got up, but then I fell back asleep. We were at this flying field. We watched SpaceX's Capsule (Crew Dragon) come down. We didn't see it until it was near the ground, it had fire from reentry and popped its chute super close to the ground. We knew Elon Musk was in their to demonstrate it. I don't know if I thought of it at the time, but it was extremely large in the sky, even if it wasn't that far away. I look back at it (my family was together in or next to the car, and talking). It is now right above the treeline (again) and careening diagonally downward (still had lateral movement). We saw the Capsule hit (water?) And skid to the side. I was scared for Musk, the lone passenger. Then with my dad driving, we started heading towards where it crashed. There were hundreds of spectators also seeming to do this. We saw this one family parked on the side of the road with a black SUV. It was implied they wouldn't be flying for the celebration, just watching from the ground. We watched this one speedy sports plane take off from the (grass?) Airstrip. I looked at it and thought it had spoilers on it from my angle (flaps on the back of the wing to slow it down, like WWII Dive Bombers). But then, it dove, hit the ground and bounced back up. Then it did it again. This was a skilled pilot diving between cars and knocking on the speed bumps in the road with a bulldozer blade on the front. Then it flew towards I presume the crash site. I asked what that was for, my dad and brother gave answers about getting rid of the speed bumps after their effectiveness. The first one we passed had been shifted, the second was split in two pieces. We were first in the middle of all these cars, but then we took a side road that twisted and turned hopefully towards the crash site. I tried to keep my orientation to make sure we were going the right way. Then it comes out of the forest into a dead end going into a pond. But it also just looked like marsh, with crumpled prairie grass in it. There was like a mysterious crop circle as well as skid marks going right to left I thought belonging to the capsule. It was now dusk, and dark to see things. We got out of the car, parked on a little indent of land going out on the water. Mom climbed up on top of the car while everyone else went to the mainland off the indent. I thought I saw the capsule and spoke up. Everyone else acknowledged it as like deer, and my dad started counting deer, which I could then see. My mom gets down from the car and gets to the main land. Then the land protrusion to the pond that the car and myself is on slips once towards the pond, and then smoothly detaches from the outer land. Just mud and prairie grass. I slip and grab hold of the main land, half of my body in the water. My family is just standing there watching me. I struggle to get up. "Why aren't you helping me?" I ask, strained. My mom answers, "Because then you'd drown." Then she crouches and holds out her hand. I grab it. Almost immediately I lose all traction and slip into the water, as if falling through air. Then my vision goes grey and black and I wake up... feeling the pinpricks/feeling of sleep paralysis and it go away.