Man Eating Robots

Date: 11/6/2016

By emmaoftheleighs

A lot of people were underground for some reason, like it a secret society or something. I was in this hallway and so was Coleen and she came up to me with her arms folded and she said "Hey you have to come and see this" so she led me out of the hallway and there was a portal with all these black robots flying out. I was like ok we have to find a place to hide, and I think I've had this dream before because I knew exactly where I was going which was weird. All these people were also trying to hide and then I remembered that there was a secret bathroom and they would never find us there. I was running and trying to find it and Grayson appears for a second and says "you're never gonna find it" but then I found it. I go in and then it changes to Coleen and I standing in front of an elevator. Sean appears for a second too and tells us to get in. There are two robots in there but he says not to worry about them because on the floor there are ionic compounds, like just the words not the substances, I remember seeing MgO but it should've been MgO2. Anyways, to get the compounds you had to reach your hand out of the elevator and try grab one and when I did that a robot almost bit my arm off. It was weird because the robots wanted to eat us which they don't usually do in movies like this but whatever. We get to the top to above ground or something and there's a lot of other people there too, Sean and the robots have disappeared. Apparently we had all hidden our clothes and stuff in these boxes in an abyss but it only opened at sundown. The abyss was covered in these slabs of concrete which had been stuck together with thin layers of concrete too which could only melt at sunset (which completely doesn't make any sense) it was sunset so we all started breaking the concrete and fell into the abyss