3 nightmares since my gf broke up with me

Date: 10/31/2021

By Chaos/SSJ

Ok so I haven’t had nightmares since i was a child but my gf broke up woth me exactly 10 days ago and since then ive had 3 nightmares In the first nightmare my gf, her cousin, and I were in some candy shop with a lot of people i think were their family or something but her cousin always hated me irl but in the dream she just kept running up behind me and jabbing the heel of her shoe into my back trying to kill me or break my back. We walked outside and everyone was walking beside this hill and she did it again and i assume she was trying to either break my back or kick me off the cliff but every time i looked at my gf she just ignored me. Ig one of my fears is that now that my gf is dating someone else shes not gonna care about me anymore so who knows maybe this is why i had this... well i guess it can’t be really considered a nightmare but it was a very emotional dream and it woke me up and i just couldn’t sleep xD In my 2nd nightmare, now this is actually a nightmare, there was this guy in a mask who broke down the door to some house i was at, he kept chasing me with a knife, I don’t remember it all but i do know he kept chasing me and i woke up terrified thinking “okay calm down its just a dream, im good” then i calmed down and was immediately thinking about how depressed i was and how i kinda would’ve rather stayed asleep and just experience death a little and I SAEAR IM NOT USUALLY THIS DEPRESSING XD The third dream was most recent so i have more memory of the whole thing. I was lying in some weird bed and there were 3 girls and later the dream just doesn’t make sense because eventually it just becomes 2 girls, anyways they were all just treating me like i was there guest and then they were being very religious and they kept talking to me and eventually i realized that they’ve kidnapped me but they were some weird psychopaths. Eventually i found out they were extremely stupid so i figured if they were religious and stupid then who knows maybe i could grant them the power of common sense and maybe even do god a favor. I asked them to a game and they were excited and agreed so i made up a game thatd increase my chances of winning and give them a few “braincells” if you will. The rules were everyone took a turn rolling their dice and afterwards we pick a random category and come up with some kind of synonym (idk what made me create such a game but i went to bed after thinking how my love life was paradisiacal and i looked up a word that meant once was and quondam showed up and i was proud to know it because id went to bed referring to my love life as quondam paradise. I assume that made a huge impact in my dream) anyways after going a turn i glanced at them and noticed they were using stuffed animals eyes to decide the number they rolled. I asked “what are you doing” and they would shake the stuffed animals head and look into their button eyes and say “one dot” and then move one space. Id ask them why don’t you actually use dice? They told me the most terrifying thing every as they stared at me “god doesn’t like people who uses dice, we prefer to use eyes so we can see the soul so we don’t go to hell. Anyone using dice for games will go straight to hell” im not very religious and when you’re asleep and can’t tell whats real or not while being stared at by 2 girls talking about souls and eyes and you stare into their eyes and all you can see are pale, soul-less, menacing looking eyes... you get very scared. So i figured i had enough, i jumped out their window while they were on the other side of the game board, found my parents car, ran into it and found the keys, tried to find my phone to call for help when i saw they were chasing me. IDK HOW TO DRIVE JUST AN FYI. I freaked out tried to turn the car on and before i drove away i woke up. Idk what in the hell made me say “it was just a dream... odds are i wont have another nightmare in the same night” and fell STRAIGHT back to sleep xD Thats my 3 nightmares. I may... need a therapist because i think my relationship is effecting me in several mental ways... but nahhhh it is was it is