I get tracked by the police

Date: 8/30/2018

By Djpawn3

The dream starts and I want to invite someone over for a sleepover so I go through all my contacts but all of my friends are busy. I remember this girl from school that seemed nice so I asked her to come over. For some reason she is an anime character when she gets to my house (she also has a reputation for being a psycho). So she comes over and we watch tv and do other sleepover stuff. The next thing I know my friend Jamie bursts through the door of my house and tells me to run. I ask why and she says the police are coming to investigate my house and arrest me. Suddenly we r the only ones in my house as we sprint to my room. I run to my closest and grab supplies including a random giant knife hanging from the ceiling. We jump out my window and run across the street, it was then I realized that I left my phone in my closet. Across the street there was a house under construction so there were giant fences up everywhere. As we get to the fences the police pull up and start running at us. I’m a little scared because I suck at jumping fences but we do it and start running again. A lone police officer finds us and demands we come with him because someone was murdered. We run the other way. The end ~ I’m back at my house and I need to get to my friends house. It’s her birthday and I need to get there to give her her present. Unfortunately three other people need to get there too and whoever gets there first gets an award. We all have bikes so we say good luck and start racing. We go across the board but for some reason everyone’s bikes are really slow including mine. When we get off the boardwalk there is a little shed we need to stop in for some reason. I get there first, do what I have to do and keep going. I see everyone behind me and wonder how they caught up so easily. The end. ~ I wake up at my house and remember I need to bike to my friends house to give her her gift. I am pissed that I had a dream about it but didn’t do it. I start biking but realize my dad is down the block with some children. I ask him what he is doing and he says my friend gave birth. The end. P.s. I don’t actually have to drop off a gift idk why it was in my dream so much