A Date To Await SWITCHED To A Nightmare

Date: 12/2/2019

By CalMehJuly

I was going on a date/hang out with much excrush. He asked me out and I dont know if its a date or a hang out. I think deep inside my mind I wanted it to be a date. Lets call him Eat and he is in my dance class. I had a crush on him 3 to 4 yrs ago. Now it's complicated but I kinda dont have a crush on him. So Eat is the same race and since he went to church my parents agreed to let me go. He was at my house early or on time. I wasnt ready. I rushed to get ready and look decent. Super happy and nervous. When I was done that felt like hours I was embarrassed bc my dad joked if he could come too. I said nooo we all laughed. Eat talked to someone on the phone in front of me that we were getting doughnuts at this place called Ha Ha Doughnuts or something. He said he didnt like that place but he'll go anyway. I was happy but kinda sad he wasnt himself and honest. To me. So.we went off walking on the roads. Im in 3rd person. My parents say bye and im super happy. A poor African American who was a bit big and old walked up with a sign saying donate to fat people like me or something ( a brown sign with gold words) my mom just looked at him and he punched her right into the face. It was like slow motion. I was super scared. I could see my brother shaking angry. He was strong but I knew we were all worried and terrified. I kinda knew it was a dream but anyway I planned out a plan Go in my house? No he might go in with his strength Go in my house and then jump.out? No bc he might be faster. So I just flied away quickly but I was super slow I tried to scream but I couldn't I woke up.in horror. I'm scared and upset. Debating if I should sleep or not. Terrified of my neighborhood. But I went back to sleep a few min later...