Plane program

Date: 5/8/2018

By Shade

I'm part of some secret government program that has to do with planes and bombs or something. They will kill us if we try to leave. I'm on a lower level in the program than some other students. When my level is out on the tarmac, the uppers are dropping Ariel strikes without consideration of where the rest of us are. I'm not allowed to buy any lunch, so I'm starving. I go into the cafeteria and make a scene. I crumble up a chocolate cake until a robot guard tells me I can't eat what I've put on my plate. I agree and eat what's not on my plate. I get led away by a prefect of sorts. The school is some sort of art museum. I start getting to know some other students at my level. One girl and I get quite close, but somehow despite us cuddling, she's too damaged to let me touch her. We realize that all of the higher up students in the program have a dead stare. Really psychopathic. I start working on a plan to get out. I forge documents and get assigned a handler of sorts to keep me from trying to leave. We have a fucked up relationship. Each of us admires and the other, but I hate her. Both of us are trying to Outsmart each other. Eventually, I make it onto a plane with other Lower level students. As I'm taking off, I throw a clipboard at Simon, a higher up photographer in the program, trying to do as much damage as I can before leaving this place forever. I'm now on the plane alone, and I take the controls. I start flying away and my handler comes on the radio telling me that if I don't turn around, she will take down my plane with ballistic missiles. I turn around and land off shore. She says that she probably would have just let me be a "test run" for future students that try to leave. This is the only sign she's given that she has some feelings for me. I go ashore and I suppose I broke the program. A kid asks about what the program did and I say it didn't do anything. I hop on one of two wake boards and the kid swims out ahead of me. He yells "green?" twice and each time I say yes,and each time he throws me a hat. I get to shore and House is wearing two hats. I find another hat.