Date: 4/26/2019
By egarza2346
I don’t remember how the dream started, but I remember how it ended. I kind of remember starting at the stripes closest to my house. I was with my fiancée and I remember him telling me we were going to Dairy Queen to go eat. When we get there we meet his dad who was dropped off by my mother in law. I remember the line being long and only one register open, but there was a girl doing something on the open register. I remember looking around and noticing that DQ now sold chip and stuff (kind of like a HEB check out). I then remember looking at my father in law and noticing he had a headset on and he was listening to someone’s order. I tapped my fiancé’s arm and he just put his hand to his face as he usually does. My father in law gave the headset to my fiancé and told him “mijo they ordered a number 16”. My fiancée sighs and makes his way to the back of the restaurant and places the order. As my fiancée is putting the order, I see my father in law trying to grab chips. I grab them out of his hand and I tell him “hey we’re about to eat can’t you wait?”. He tells me “Just let me eat now god damn it”. My fiancée eventually makes his way toward us and asks what’s happening. He then tells his father “Dad come on man we are literally about to order” as I’m looking at my father in law, I don’t see the man I know. I mean it’s him but I just didn’t recognize him. As we were arguing this old lady comes up to us and just hands him what he tried grabbing and said “here Bugle! Can’t y’all just give him what he wants?!” And then I woke up feeling scared