A Long But Cool Dream

Date: 1/2/2017

By ShadowOwl

I was going on a ghost hunt with my uncle, my dad, and two other men. One of the men was white and about my uncles age while the other was Chinese and seemed to be a few years older than me. We were investigating an abandoned pizza restaurant. I found it odd that we were doing it with all the lights on but I didn't complain since it wasn't scary at all. In fact, I thought about how similar it was to a party. The older man had brought snacks and everyone was just hanging around. I was sitting in a booth drinking some soda while the guy around my age sat across from me. I started thinking about all the things I'd been meaning to tell my friend, like how my dad's girlfriend was pregnant (she's not in real life). The chill atmosphere immediately went away when one of our cameras caught something in the kitchen. We watched in awe and fear as a woman walked through the kitchen and disappeared into the wall. As fearful as I was, I wondered if this was somehow set up. I asked to investigate the basement alone to try and get some evidence of my own. I saw nothing in the basement but when I tried to walk back up the steps I found myself completely drained. It was very difficult for me to move my legs. Once I got up and told everyone, the older man said that my fatigue was caused by something other than paranormal activity. The investigation was done and I went back to school. It was night when I got back. I was thinking about how I should probably start figuring out jokes to tell for a project. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I ended up in a room that looked like a living room. In it, was a Barbie doll house and Littlest Pet Shop. My mom walked in at this point and I started to show her the toys. I pointed out ones I had as a kid and ones I wanted. A man walked into the room. He was overweight, had curly brown hair, and wore glasses. I knew him as a teacher at the school. I saw how nervous he was acting and I realized these toys where his. I got a bad vibe from him but I didn't say anything. He asked if my mom and I could help him with something in his office. I agreed since he was a teacher and it seemed like the polite thing to do. On the way to his office, he also recruited a girl around my age with long black hair to help. We got in his office and he sat behind his desk. He explained that he needed the three of us to pack up the things in the other room for him. I walked into it and saw a variety of non perishable food products in it. I packed a small box and went out into the office. The teacher was gone. I thought he was acting very suspicious. I went and packed another box, but I also grabbed three containers of oranges. I went and gave the other two to my mom and the girl. The oranges were in small hand sanitizer contains. We ate are snack and went back to work. We only packed one other small box before the teacher entered again. He was out of breath and panicking. I figured out that he was running from the law and was planning on leaving and hiding somewhere, which is why the food was packed. I confronted him saying I wouldn't let him get away with anything. He laughed at me and then started singing some song. I don't remember the lyrics aside from it mentioning a penny several time. The song seemed to have an affect on my mom and the girl. It brainwashed them into thinking they were his family, my mom being his wife and the girl their daughter. The song knocked me unconscious. Kind of. I was paralyzed on the ground and I could hear everything. Then I was aware a good amount of time passed but I wasn't sure how long. I was still paralyzed and blind until I heard a song. I was able to move again and I saw three people standing in front of me. I looked around and noticed I was in a field of flowers. I looked back to the people and realized I knew two of them. They were my cousins but they had grown so much. I asked them many questions such as where I was and how long I had been gone. My cousin Dylan told me that I had been missing for years and there had been no sign of my mom. I thanked them and headed out to track down that creepy teacher, my mom, and that girl. I walked on a street in a neighborhood looking for a house that looked nice. It was getting dark and I knew I was going to have to ask a stranger if I could stay the night. I dreaded it. I saw a small looking orange house and figured the person there was probably nice. As I headed there, I noticed an old man on the sidewalk in front of me. I asked if he lived around there. He laughed crazily and replied he didn't have a home. He then started to ramble on about his uncle who was a leprechaun. It was obvious this man was crazy so I started to turn and walk down another street. He followed. Luckily I saw a police officer walking towards me. However, this did not deter the man at all. In fact, it appeared they were quite friendly with each other as the man started to talk about how the cop's birthday was "tomorrow's today". Regardless of whether he was a decent man or not, I didn't want anyone following me. I ran into an abandoned barn and hid. The man came looking for me but he also promptly left. I sighed in relief but decided I wouldn't rest there in case he or anyone else came. Instead, I walked into a downtown area. There were big buildings and lots of shops. I took notice of what I was wearing in a shop window. I was wearing a light blue dress and it appeared I was wearing my swimsuit underneath it since I could see the strap that tied around my neck. Glancing up and at the now totally dark sky, I decided I needed to find a place to stay. I walked until I saw a nice looking house. It was very modern and fit right into the look and feel of the city. I didn't get very far onto their property until a woman's voice yelled at me to stop. I was afraid and I ran inside the house instead. The woman chased after me. Inside I saw a long kitchen table in front of a wall made out of windows. There was a older man and woman who sat at the table. They stood up and the man pulled a gun and pointed it at me. He asked me what I was doing there. I knew somehow that the woman who yelled at me was his wife and the woman at the table was her sister. I also knew that the man would kill me without hesitation. I tried to think of a way I could run back into the street and get a cops but I knew I'd get in trouble no matter what. So instead of running out the front door, which was being guarded by the wife, I ran out the back. It led to a a huge balcony with a pool off to the left side. Below the balcony I could see a well landscaped back yard with yet another pool. I heard them come out to chase me and I fled off to the left, stupidly deciding to go into the pool. As I waded through the pool, I heard the three shouting. The wife just told the husband to give up and leave me alone while the sister shouted at me to come back. I looked to see the husband has put the gun down. I felt like they wouldn't hurt me so I came back. I tried to explain everything I could. They let me stay the night. The next morning, I was sitting by the pool when the wife approached me. She said I could stay as long as I wanted if I would work at the museum they ran. I agreed since it seemed more than fair. I started walking to the museum when I took a shortcut through an alley. It seemed pretty sketchy and I started jogging when I noticed someone behind me. I started to full out running when the person started jogging. Just as I rounded a corner the person caught up to me and grabbed my shoulder. They spun me around and I recognized. It was a guy I was friends with (only in the dream, I've never met this guy in real life). He has dark brown hair and wore a black t-shirt. He seemed to be on the verge of tears as he embraced me in a hug. He said he chased after me since he recognized my hair. He said he didn't think it was me since I was gone for so long and he thought I was dead. I too was on the verge of tears as I returned the hug. I invited him to stay with me at the museum and I explained everything that had happened. As we walked around the museum, I woke up.