Date: 4/22/2019
By zoeynoel
Me thalia and Thomas and some Asian guy I don’t know the name of (?) were in my car and I was driving. Some of the intersection lights were out and people were driving crazy and we kept seeing people get into wrecks and dying. Almost got hit by someone but waited until it was clear and went through the light. The road we were crossing had a huge hill and we flew off of it and crashed into the middle section of the lane. I couldn’t see us but I could just see my car all Mangled and smashed up. Next thing you know I’m driving again with the same people in my car. I notice my car has replacement parts on the inside and I freak out bc I don’t remember crashing even though I know we did. I start to think we’re all dead and that this isn’t real or that our ghosts are in my car and my ghost is driving it. So I start telling everyone that and thalia thinks the same thing. Thomas gets pissed off and starts telling me that there’s no way that could’ve happened and that I sound crazy. I don’t remember going to a park or getting out my car but the next thing I know we’re all sitting in a park bench at the park. I can’t remember much else from that point other than the fact that Thomas and the Asian guy thought me and thalia were crazy for thinking that we we’re dead even though we clearly we’re.