Cool College

Date: 1/5/2017

By WhatiNeedaUsername4

I was at a college. It was a new college and it was fun. I was in a class that was like an art class and there were about 30 students in the class and all the chairs were comfortable legless chairs that sat directly on the floor. The desk part I think it could be attached to the chair but it was small. At the beginning of the class, the teacher was talking about the expectations and stuff about the school and watery she was done, the school announced a break. The break was a bathroom, water, and socializing break and people could also eat snacks during the break. People could go out into the hallway and all the classes were having a break at the same time. I went to the bathroom and the area o I turned up at was a daycare area were the childcare and early education teachers in training learned in the area of the school. When I went into the ladies bathroom, all the stalls were unlocked and some even had the doors open but they were all filled. There were little children in each stall. All of the children were finished using the bathroom but they were just standing, staring, and crying. Staring at the toilets and at each other. The toilets were smaller porcelain toilets, smaller so the children could sit on them with ease. This bathroom was more designated for the early childhood section of the college and the children in the bathroom were age range 2-4 years old. There were 2-3 little boys in the bathroom that we a part of the same daycare group and there was one other student in there besides me a who wasn't in the childcare teaching program. So we went outside of the bathroom and we told the ladies that their children were very confused and they were just crying and standing in the stalls so the ladies suggested that we go to the men's bathroom instead but to ask if they were ok with it first. I was already going to go to the men's bathroom and when I got in there, the bathroom was very neat and had more space than the other one and it was cleaner with brighter lights. The stalls seemed to be made out of some kind of metal maybe stainless steel with a frosty type of finish so it wasn't reflective. There was another daycare group that was all male and they were in a formation facing the door. They all had matching suits that were like jogging outfits and the colors were a dark bluish gray and all the suits had like a burgundy colored stripes along the sides (one thick line). And they were posed like they were going to be in a picture. The tallest men were kneeled in front, then the boys were standing behind them so that the shortest boys were standing in front and the tallest boys were standing in the back. And at the very back, there was another row of men standing behind them. This daycare/teaching group was all male and the children were around 5-9 years old. So instead of going to the bathroom there, I was kinda weirded out so I went to a different bathroom instead. This bathroom was in a different area of the school which was probably a business and/or technology area. The toilets in this bathroom were more high-tech and advanced. The bathroom was very clean and the toilets were made of the same type of metal as the stalls which resembled the bathroom I was in before that. The difference about this bathroom was that the stall walls were closer together and the lights were more dim and against the walls but provided still enough light to easily see. I used the first stall and when I got up, it flushed automatically and showed a screen that logged this time that I went to bathroom and other information including my home room and other school information and it had a picture of me that was probably my ID picture (I forgot to mention everyone had homerooms so it allowed for large classes that split up and went to different classrooms for different schedules but still in the same program. Instead of having to go to a bunch of different sections of the building, the building was set up so the similar programs were close to each other so overlapping class requirements would be the area where they blended and students would just rotate through classrooms in the same area.). I wondered how the toilet knew it was me to be able to log my bathroom time for records so I thought maybe there was a sensor in the toilet or some kind of camera so I flushed the toilet again by putting the toilet liner on it and pressing the flush button. The screen behind the toilet gave an error message "Error: Failure to log time." (I now come to a conclusion that it used the urine to tell who the person was and maybe a facial recognition. It would know the urine based off of health and wellness exams before the start of the semester. After I got out of the bathroom, I walked down the hallway to see people socializing and having a good time and l didn't see him at first but a friend of mine from high school hugged me from behind. I turned around and hugged him tightly and said, "Oh hi Loren!" (I still don't know if that's the correct spelling). I was excited to see him and a few other familiar faces from Middletown even if they weren't exactly close friends. Promptly after hugging, a voice over the intercom gave us a reminder that the break would end in ten minutes so we said see ya later as the hallways started to depopulate and I stopped at a water fountain and drank on my way to class. Back in the same classroom, I say back down on the chair I was at before where I left my bookbag and other students were getting settled for class to start up again. ------ POV change ------- I was a little girl around the 10-12 year age range and the dream had rewinded back to the ten minute warning for break to end. I said bye to my friend in the hallway who was another little girl and I went to the bathroom real quick. The bathroom looked the same as the one I went in as myself and I went to the same stall and there was a girl in the stall next to me. I was in the first stall closest to the door on the left wall of stalls (there were two walls of stalls, a left wall and a right wall). While using the bathroom, I was very constipated feeling (like I felt irl the night before I had this dream) and I asked the girl in the other stall to tell my teacher that I'd be late from the break (she was someone else I knew, for people got to know each other very well in this school and I'd been there for a while, about 2 years or so). She left, and I eventually gave up on pooping and left as well. Then I guess I made it back to class on time and it turned out that I was a young actress and ballerina and I started doing a number about how dancing might make it easier to poop. During the dance number, I fantasized that I was an older ballerina in the school that I a admired and I was dancing with a male ballerina who lifted me gracefully. I went from being in the body of a little 10-12 year old white girl with a pink tutu and leotard, to being an older, teenage-early twenties white lady with a black leotard and gray tutu, dancing with a male ballerina with a black leotard. I had a neat ballerina bun with brunette hair as both girls. Midway the dance number, I was awoken by my alarm vibrating.