What it takes to go to Hell

Date: 12/9/2019

By ItsABlackCat

I had a dream that I, and everyone else in the world, had died except for my little brother. I was watching him as this ghost thing and the angels were telling me that everyone was going to hell because they were mad. I talked and convinced them that at least could I go to hell to save everyone else. They agreed and so as a ghost, I watched my brother kinda sadly. I was going to be the only one in hell, alone, unless of course he went and did something terrible (since he hadn’t been ‘judged’ yet bc he was alive) and i wasn’t exactly excited for it. Then all of a sudden my brother goes to cut his sandwich in half into little triangles. The ultimate sin. The angels gasp, I feel my heart drop, there’s a mini earthquake caused by God’s anger- everyone knows you don’t cut sandwiches into triangles.(?). The angels tell me that, although I saved all that were condemned, my brother wasn’t in that count. He was going to hell with me as soon as he died. I was glad to have company but upset because obviously I didn’t wanna have to see my brother in hell. I have no idea where my brain came up with the notion that cutting sandwiches into triangles takes you to hell. I cut sandwiches into triangles irl and it’s very tasty.