Date: 3/28/2018
By sugarbelle
I was at a Choir retreat and we were all in this large room for rehearsal. We all had parent chaperones and famous people’s numbers just Incase something happened. My parent chaperone was Ann Vida and my famous person chaperone was Abe Lincoln. The instructor of the retreat (wasn’t my director) said that we had to do this thing to honor this famous singer that died. We (all the kids) all had to lie down in this weird formation together on this elevated platform. I was on the very tip bottom of it in the fetal position all of the sudden, someone says that we have to start putting the dirt down. They were going to bury us alive!! In a panic I look up to the other kids. Of course, I catch Salter’s (a person in my Choir’s) eye so I yell “are they gonna kill us before they bury us or do we have to suffocate?!” He said we were gonna suffocate, and he, along with all of the other kids were 100% ok with that. I started to realize that I was claustrophobic. I ran out, and found Ann Vida to grab my phone. I tried calling Abe Lincoln but I couldn’t find his number. Then, I decided to call my mom to help. The call wouldn’t go through and I’m running around the camp frantically. The only people who opted out of the ceremony were Malia and Keenan because Malia said she was allergic to dirt. I asked them something but they were no help. I ran behind the building and it went through! But I accidentally ended up FaceTiming mom but I just wanted to call her. Brooke (my sister) answered and wouldn’t give the phone to mom so I was frustrated. When mom finally got the phone I was screaming, “they’re trying to bury us alive and we won’t have a Choir to compete if we’re all dead