Relationship Camp

Date: 5/17/2019

By leathecage

I had a guinea pig and I wanted to build him a haunted mansion to live in by stacking three 20 gallon tanks on top of each other. Sadly, it couldn't be done because the tubing I had to connect the tanks together was too small for a guinea pig to crawl through. I wad then invited to go on this vacation to this old, victorian house with this guy who was my boyfriend apparently, and a bunch of other couples. There, we all went out on this bridge together and this guy who worked at the house instructed us ladies to stand side-by-side and look out to the river below flowing downstream. The men were instructed to stand in the river and face us. A few of them tripped and were swept away down stream. The ones left standing were told to dance and we all had a good laugh. My supposed boyfriend came up to me by climbing the bridge railing, and then asked me to trail my finger down his spine. So I did that, and he said he didn't like it and that it felt creepy. Suddenly, he licked the side of my jaw and ran away. I was confused, but suddenly this older man appeared and was handing out awards to all the ladies for having the best boyfriend. The man sounded like he was giving it to me, but then he decided to hand it to the girl next to me. He then said that second and third place will be announced later. I then noticed this old wizard guy talking to my aunt and her two daughters on the bridge. The three of them were holding these vintage looking toys, and the wizard offered to give them fairy dust to make the toys more valuable. My aunt was excited to potentially sell the toys and potentially make more money, and agreed to his offer. Me, while eavesdropping, gasped, and ran to my boyfriend who asked if we won the contest. I told him that it didn't matter and that my aunt and cousins were in trouble. Apparently that wizard was infamous for kidnapping people, and he captures them by throwing fairy dust on their valuables. So, my boyfriend and I stole the toys and hid them on a shelf in this closet in the house. We also turned the shelf around so no one could peek in and glance at them either. While walking away, I then spotted my daughter from the future talking to the same wizard.