Nate is a fuck boy 😳 || bee sting situation 🐝

Date: 9/8/2017

By madnewman13😼

Nate (my not official Partner I shall call him) was in my dream last night... As a fuck boy. I've never had a dream quite like this one. The dream I believe started off with me seeing him and being overjoyed because I miss not seeing him everyday before we graduated our old school. I ran over to him and hugged him. He wanted me to go and float down the river with him. I liked that idea so I joined him. I leaned up against him and the feeling felt so good to be with him. Suddenly he started pulling at his pants and making strange smirking faces at me. He was biting his lip and being weird. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "Well you see, I'm a fuck boy. I should have told you sooner," he replied. Tbh this dream kind of made me laugh bc he is really sweet and kind and everything in rl, so this was the complete opposite of him. XD The next part of my dream took place in some Unrecognizable place, where my grandpa, aunt Krystal, dad, and some other relatives and what not met up. My grandpa suddenly announced that he was stung by a bee. We thought he was fine until his whole face puffed up with bumps before our eyes. "Omg grandpa are you allergic to bees?" I asked him. He didn't reply, probably bc he was airless overwhelmed at the moment.