
Date: 1/3/2019

By carolinakai

A very weird but interesting dream. I was traveling around the world with a teacher and a group of 7-8 students. The teacher was the same teacher from a previous dream but he taught a different subject. The subject was “world studies” I guess because the point of the field trip around the world was experience. We started off in the US staying in a tiny little motel suite. From then on the houses we stayed in only got nicer the more we experienced, but they were all made by the same person so the design and layout was the same and all of us hated the design. It was always open plan and huge. A few only had one floor but the last two had two floors. White walls and white marble tiles in the kitchen and bathrooms and near the fireplace and mantle. Light bamboo wood and a chandelier. The houses were like bungalows I guess and they were always empty and again as we got more experience, they were more and more furnished. But for some reason I was the only person who saw that if you furnished the bungalows right they would be nice. Everyone kept thinking as though they’d furnish them with what they already owned. Our first experience was a road trip to the Clarmont Hotel. A big white french colonial style hotel that I’ve dreamt about in the past. (I didn’t get to see the inside then either) We arrived to it at around dusk, but for some reason we couldn’t stay. Our teacher had forgotten to make a reservation I think, so we ended up having to drive all the way back. I think one or two students saw his or her families there and decided to stay behind. Then we ended up in a rural town in India (I think?) It had of course been colonized by the British at one point but the remains of Colonial British architecture were really few. We had all split up and gone our separate ways for the time being and me and one of the female students were hanging out this bar/cafe with all our suitcases and gear as though we didn’t have anywhere to stay. We were sitting next to this family, a mom and dad and two kids around ten and twelve. All of a sudden the dad starts trying to rape the mom in broad daylight right in front of their kids. The mom and kids were scared, but the mom didn’t know how to say no. So me and my classmate tried to get the dad off saying “what are you doing in front of your kids” but he pushed us away and continued. Finally I used my Taekwondo skills(of which I have none in real life) to force the dad off. He tumbled down the stairs and I held him back as he tried to get up while my friend protected the mother. He had that classic “she likes it” mentality, but somehow we convinced him otherwise. He apologized to his wife and asked her if she’d take him back. She did and they left in a hurry with the kids. But later that day when me and my classmate left the cafe, as soon as we came outside people started shouting at us and something else. We couldn’t see what they were shouting at until the people blaming us moved aside. It was the man who’d attacked his wife. Apparently in this town their law was that any man who does wrong is punished by the people. He’d been beaten so bad he’d swollen to twice his size and his skin was blue and white and bruised and bloodied. He could barely blink and couldn’t speak at all. The leader of the town said, “this is your punishment. If he’s really done wrong, then you’ll condemn him to burn.” (Something like that) while pointing to a noose. I said, “yes he’d done wrong but is this really necessary?” The leader said, “would you let a man like that live without knowing if he’d do it again when you’re not there?” I couldn’t say anything. So instead I ran away into the muddy field behind them. By this time it was night and while I stood with my back to them, I saw two farmers watching. They said “yes it looks like they burned him.” I think I stood there all night. And when I woke up the two farmers were burying the man’s dead burned body at my feet. They’d broken him in half and buried him standing up. One of them pulled off his head and stuck it in the dirt behind the torso. I was oddly unaffected. It was really surreal. I kept trying to get around them to leave, but they kept talking and wouldn’t let me through. Finally they covered the body in compost and I jumped over and hurried out of the field to my classmate. Then we met up with the other students who were quiet and seemed to be in a state of shock. It was as though everyone had had some kind of harrowing experience of their own. We were all really quiet, making really light conversation only when necessary. We drove to our final house, and we knew it was the last one since one of the classmates had gotten there early. He opened the door for us and let us in. It was one of the big white open plan houses, but it had couches and the fire was lit. There was a little rug and lamps and it smelled like food. The guy had brought his girlfriend who was making everyone dinner. She was really pretty and tall and blonde and he was short and super cute and Asian. We set our stuff down and walked inside. I think some of us started crying because it was the most furnished comfy house we’d been in in around a year. I went to the kitchen to meet the girlfriend, but as I got closer the perspective warped and she got super super super tall. When I think back on it, I think I shrunk because all my classmates greeted her without trouble. The girlfriend leaned down to shake my hand and then I woke up. Well I didn’t wake up. Me and my classmates just went back to school, but even though it was a college class, the classroom and professor treated us like elementary schoolers. I wanted to sharpen two pencils on one of those wall grinder sharpeners but the teacher wouldn’t move. She told me to use the electric sharpeners. Lol. Everyone was trying to eat in class. And that’s about it. Crazy dream. SYMBOLS: HOUSES:(living situations) Motel Hotel Bungalows Field Car NOOSE - At its simplest, the noose represents a traumatic death. In a more complex sense it can represent the binding or capturing of spiritual intent, and the harnessing of spiritual energy. A noose, like the halter, harness and other symbols of restraint, suggests the taming of a perhaps wild untamed part of our personality. DEAD BODY - regret, nostalgia, disappearance, broken relationships, and mistrust in love - more importantly - CHANGE! BURYING A BODY - indicates only positive changes. The other meaning, in ancient dream dictionaries, indicate his dream like this happens when you feel left out of a situation. When you’re trying to hide your emotions from others. NUCLEAR FAMILY - a basic social unit consisting of parents and their dependent children living in one household RAPE - Saving someone or helping someone after a rape is a good omen for your life. While the dream can be traumatic because you are witnessing someone being open or having to take charge to protect others, this is a sign of positive times in your life. Often these kinds of dreams are about someone denotes that you are in the process of maturity. PENCILS - A pencil in the dream is a sign that, you need to communicate with other people to get your goals fulfilled in the shortest time possible. A pencil sharpener appearing in your dream is an indication that you need to sharpen your skills. Alternatively, it could imply that you will be rewarded with a son. A dream where a pencil sharpener is seen could represent an author or a writer. EATING - “I'm suggesting that the food and drink in the dream are really parts of ourselves but we are still seeing them as "other" until we "take them in." In the course of taking the food and drink in, in the dream world, it becomes an accepted and recognized part of "myself". So the very unusual act of eating and drinking in the dream becomes a symbol for our ability to own projections in our waking life.” (Jeremy Taylor, a therapist) There were so many other little micro scenes I wish I could remember... Oh well