Lucid Inception Dream

Date: 10/16/2017

By Y0Universe

I had a dream that my very masculine type A brother performed a gay sex act, then came out of the closet to me. Then we were on a boat partying with his friends. He was telling me about a dream he had last night where he was having sex with Mrs. Wellcha, an attractive lady who had passed away. I told him I also had a dream with her in it. Then our eyes locked. And he started telling me about his dream and it was like I was also experiencing that dream or had perfect recollection that I had just been in that dream. I performed my reality check where I made the Ok sign and counted my three fingers sticking up and there were four fingers sticking up. I became fully lucid. I walked past a doorway, and my friend Anna Karlsone was standing in the doorway. She stared at me almost robotic like. I said "oh wow Anna your hair is changing color" then it started changing color. Neon Orange, Red, Purple, Cyan, back to blonde tried to have her change into a different person but I couldn't quite make her transform. She walked up to me and kissed me. Then I unfortunately woke up 😩