Vague Apocalypse and Lucid

Date: 9/6/2018

By ShadowOwl

It was the end of the word or something. My family and I drove around and I kept pointing out good spots to hide for the night. It was a creek with boulders called The Kings Crypt, or so my dad said. It was night and we stopped by the road. I some got my jacket caught on electric fence and it caught on fire. I took it off and watched it burn but noticed that up on a hill another fire started. I excitedly pointed out that it was other people but we had to keep moving on to find. The next day we're driving looking at abandoned houses to stay at. I point out one that's a literal castle but instead my parents decide on one that's on a lake. I thought it might be decent since the back was at the lake and there was a large clearing in front of the house meaning no one could sneak up on us. I played in the lake until more of my family arrived. It was my cousin, her husband, and her three children. It was getting lake so we went inside to eat. The inside of the house was just the inside of my grandfather's house. We ate and then had to turn off the lights and be very quiet. It was very scary as I kept seeing something move in the house but it was never there when I looked. Although I was freaking out, I figured out it was a dream. I excitedly went and told my mom and asked for validation that it was a dream. She hesitated and I took that as a yes. No longer scared or worried about the dream's plot (which would've turned into a nightmare) I started searching for the thing that was in the house. I tracked it down to the computer room and cornered it. Or rather him. It was a normal guy. He has brown hair and black glasses. Excited to see a dream person, I asked what his name was. He seemed to be very uncomfortable by me but said his name was Spencer. I totally ignored his shyness and said that we were going to ditch this story line for something knew. Now we were in a farm house and it was just us. It was sunny outside and the yard was just my yard. I dragged him outside were we talked under a tree. For some reason, I kept calling him Varn or Vern and kept apologizing for it. We heard something moving in the woods and I was worried it was a creature from the previous plot. We were absolutely still till the noises stopped. Spencer was freaking out. I got a horse and said I was going to check on the barn in the woods. Spencer really didnt want to go but finely got on the horse. We rode into the barn and didn't see anything. We were about to ride out the other side when those doors slammed shut. I turned the horse around and tried to head the way we came in but those door slammed too. Spencer practically flung himself and I off the horse and into a corner where we were hidden. Three people came in and started talking amongst themselves about how they did all that just to trap a horse and how there dad would be upset that they came back empty handed. The one who spoke the most was a guy with a beard and was bald. The tallest was a girl with short blue hair and the youngest was also a girl but I cant remember anything except she worse a green dress. They left the barn and before I could say or do anything i woke up.