Celebrity Party: For that Reason, I'm Out!

Date: 1/10/2019

By 2Natblu

I went with my brother who is a director to these guys house that he was networking with. They were going discuss business. My brother and the guys when to another room to have a meeting while I walk around the house. As I started to walk around the house a lot of celebrities started showing up; some to discuss business with the guys that my brother was with having a meeting with; and, some to party. I didn't recognize any of the celebrities because these people were only celebrities in this dream. People started mingling; and, I started to kind of enjoy myself feeling lucky that I get to hang out with them. They had a red carpet like moment in the hallway and people with cameras started taking pictures. There were two famous people that walked in that caught my attention. These men were wearing makeup; which, I thought was weird and it seem like I was the only one that noticed that these guys looked gay. I was shocked that nobody said anything and how they were accepted. Usually you would hear somebody at least mumble something. Nobody seemed to care. Few minutes later we heard sexual moans; the 2 gay celebrities were having sex in one of the rooms despite the fact that the room was packed with people. They found a corner of the room to put themselves behind a curtain like wall. (Those walls/ curtain things people use to get dress behind or divide a studio apt room or college dorm room; and or hospital room with) .When that happen I pulled a line from Shark Tank, and said, " this party was off the chain at first; but, because of all the homosexual activity going around here; for that reason, I'm out! I started to get my stuff and leave and didn't the phone rung, woke me up, and rescued me from that nightmare.

AI generated interpretation In your dream, you find yourself at a house with your brother, who is a director, for a business-related meeting. While your brother is occupied, you explore the house and encounter numerous celebrities who are either there for business purposes or simply to party. Initially, you feel lucky and enjoy mingling with these famous individuals, even witnessing a red carpet-like moment where photographers gather. However, your attention is drawn to two male celebrities who are wearing makeup, which you perceive as a sign of them being gay. The fact that you are shocked that no one else seems to notice or care about their sexual orientation indicates a sense of surprise or discomfort toward the acceptance of homosexuality in this dream scenario. It might suggest that you harbor some unconscious biases or conflicting feelings regarding homosexuality. The lack of any negative reactions or comments from others could symbolize a fear of expressing your true thoughts and feelings or a fear of being judged for them. The presence of sexual moans coming from behind a curtain represents a hidden or secretive aspect of sexuality. The fact that the couple is engaging in sexual activity despite the presence of many people suggests a disregard or lack of consideration for social norms or boundaries. This could symbolize a desire for more freedom and liberation in your own sexuality or general behavior. Your reaction of referencing a line from Shark Tank, "for that reason, I'm out," demonstrates your decision to distance yourself from the situation due to your discomfort and the violation of your sense of boundaries. This response might reveal a need for control, order, and conformity within your own life. The dream ends abruptly with a phone call that wakes you up, saving you from the nightmare. This interruption may represent a need for a resolution or escape from uncomfortable or distressing situations in your waking life. It indicates a desire for a sense of normalcy or a return to a familiar and comfortable environment. Overall, this dream reflects your internal conflicts and concerns surrounding acceptance, sexual orientation, and boundaries. It suggests a need for self-reflection and understanding of your own attitudes and beliefs towards these topics.