
Date: 3/15/2019

By iliketofood

I was being cheated on. I was in this long and happy relationship or so I thought and it all crumbled. I could feel the sharp and stinging betrayal. It feels like a deep cut. A person I trusted so much, now was my monster. It flipped my reality. It made me weary of all other relationships in my life. I questioned the intentions of my friends. It felt like giving the cheater another chance would prove that I'm not nothing to this person. It just felt so deep. That somehow felt like the way to fix it. But he hurt me again and again. He gaslighted. He blamed me. I felt so trapped and confused. I ended things and felt very lost and hurt from the same wound. He acted as if he were a free bird now, unaware of the destruction he caused, and moved on to several women immediately. He treated them shitty, too. After all of the flirty talk. I felt like I could feel their hurt. I felt used. I don't know. I just woke up feeling very betrayed.