Digital art, She stands alone in her car, looking out to the sky as fireworks light up the night.

Why would she?

Date: 8/21/2020

By kittykatdreamer94

I had a sad dream that my ex tried to kill the both of us by rigging up a box of explosives and fireworks to ignite while we were in the car together, I don’t know if she would ever do that but I don’t think so it just made me really sad because people in my dream were trying to warn me not to go with her I got hurt but it killed her and we ended up in water and I was just holding her body and then I woke up.

AI generated interpretation Dreams are often symbolic, and this one may be expressing feelings of guilt or fear about your past relationship. It could be that you feel like you should have seen the warning signs and ended the relationship before it got too serious or ended up hurting both of you. The water may be a symbol of cleansing or a new beginning. It could be that the dream is trying to tell you that although it was a difficult experience, it has made you stronger and is helping you to move on.