Best buddies with a talking wolf

Date: 1/15/2023

By ailehpo

Had this dream a few weeks ago but I don’t want to forget it. Was walking through a grassy neighborhood with lots of trees. Reminds me a bit of my neighborhood in Sakartvelo. The town overall looked somewhat like a beach town, a bit like a market in Seattle, a bit like a dusty Old West town, a bit like the Plains. It was night. I met a grey wolf roaming the streets. Somehow, I could communicate with this wolf. She was walking stealthily and trying to get away from the neighborhood area, as if anyone saw her she would be shot, because she was a wolf. She asked me to help her out of the populated areas. We had to walk through the neighborhood, across a rickety wooden bridge, through the market and the downtown area, and out to the edgeskirts of town. All the meanwhile we talked. She was a very interesting person and we became friends. By the time the sun started to rise, we had made it to the edge of town. I didn’t want to part with her because she was so nice and I felt like I had grown so close to her in the course of one night. I was sad but she thanked me and said she would be back to visit. And she did, but I’ll write out the second half of the dream later. TL;DR a lot of it took place under the rickety bridge near the neighborhood and market area. Kind of reminded me of the trail. Zlata was there (she worked at the market) and she sold me a lot of tasty candies and Turkish delights (I think I may have stolen a few of the boxes…lol). The wolf came back and we hung out under the bridge. She gave me a purple gemstone.