pointy teeth person asking me about babies

Date: 7/7/2021

By ooflla

there was other stuff before this, but idk what. i think i was on the island before this. i was trying to go on my way back to this island but there kept being more corridors with doorways after and different designs. it looked kinda like a 32 bit video game and was from one angle but idk which (either to the side or above idk why i can’t remember). then when i finally got to the final doorway kinda porch area i needed to get back but this child or very short person with dark eye makeup below the eyes and pointy teeth was looking at me creepy and asking me questions. it was about babies. unless i was asking about the babies and they were just giving me creepy cryptic answers. then more creepy beings (like them, kinda doll-like, haunted, but also like children, but possibly grown and just short as they had kind of adult vibes but idk maybe the children had seen things who am i to judge) kept gathering around the doorways to this small porch and i was just trying to leave/ask one for my ride back and they wouldn’t shut up about the babies. weird cryptic life advice kind of things. but then this one pretty but still creepy girl with long very straight hair (like the ring but cute and ok nvm) came up with a boat and a spot for me (um like minecraft) and we boated away.