Mermaid nightmare

Date: 12/26/2019

By farmqueen

So the dream starts out in like a beach house, me and my cousins we’re watching the tv and this segment on mermaids is on. This human looking mermaid grabs this human by the neck and stares into their eyes and slowly the humans eyes turn big and glassy and they grow a tail. Then the mermaid chucks the newly transformed mermaid on the ground. It lays there, looking dead. Then someone takes pity and throws it into the river next to the house, as this event was on a patio. So it goes back to us and we are shocked, these mermaid people are hunting us down. Suddenly we are in this room in the mall, hiding. I’m starting to forget but I know someone was planning on trying to kill them. I walk out of the room after making action plans and run into Hannah, she seemed frustrated after a job interview and I warned her about the mermaids. So we were walking the mall, and suddenly everyone disappears and the POV zooms out and these tall black figures the resemble aliens come swarming into the mall. They have long black arms and they were waving in the air and they had big white rings for eyes. They swarmed the mall and transformed everyone there into mermaids. I tried to hide behind a booth, but they found me. So I tried again, it was a new trial and I came up with a new plan. So I tried again and the black figure mermaids came and hunted us down again and I died again. Then I woke up in a puddle of sweat.